Chapter 35

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"Oh shit." Draco said.

"We have to follow them." I said.

"Wait they're sitting down." Draco said.

"We can wait until they leave and we can follow them." I said taking a sip of my Cappuccino.

They were still here after an hour and a half we had ordered more and more coffees.

Breakfast time was over and there was hardly anyone here. The Weasel and Shackbolt were sat two tables down from us so we could just about hear what they were saying.

"I don't think that they will find us all the way out in Ohio. We've got most of the rebellion staying in the hotel across the road. Like we've got Luna and Neville, we've got the Creevy Brothers, Cho Chang, Katie Bell, Hanna Abbot, Padma and Pavarti Patil, McGonagall, Madame Pomfrey, Lupin and so many more there are about 100 of us. I'm on the second floor Room 25 if you need me." Ron said to Kingsley.

"Thanks for that info Ronald." I said in a really hushed voice so only Draco could hear.

"We can get them all in a few days." I said.

"Let's Get this party started." Draco said.

He leaned over the table and kissed me.

God I love him so much.

"Let's take this Rebellion down." I whispered. We got up and walked out of the cafe.  We don't need to follow him as we know where he's staying.

Ha this is gonna be a lot of fun.


We walked over the road and into the hotel. I walked over to the desk.

"What do we do? How do we know what rooms they are in?" Draco asked me.

"Watch and learn." I said.

"Hey I'm suppose to be surprising my best friend because it's her birthday but I don't know which room she's in! Can you help?" I asked the man at the registration.

"What's the name?" He asked.

"Cho Chang." I said.

"She is on the second floor in room 26." He said.

"Thanks." I said.

"Wow Mione That was amazing." Draco told me.

"I know." I said giving him a kiss on the nose.

"But there is one problem how do we get in?" He asked.

"Easy." We hoped into the elevator and went up to the second floor.

"Wait here." I told him.

"Ok." He said slightly confused.

I walked over to room 26 and knocked.

"House Keeping." I said.

"It's open." She said on the other side of the door.

I walked in and she had her back to me. She was on the phone to someone.

"Yeah Hannah is in room 27, Luna and Neville are in 28 and 29 and your in room thirty." She said to someone.

I pulled my wand from my pocket.

"Avada Kedavra!" I whispered. She lay there dead on the chair.

I pulled a few of her hairs out. I'm sure that they will come in handy.

One down 99 to go.

I walked out of the room and back to Draco.

"She's dead." I said.

"That's amazing." He said.

"Your turn." I said.

"How we can't exactly pull the I'm supposed to be surprising my best friend again?" He asked.

"Luna is in room 28 Neville in the one next to her and then there is someone in room 30." I said.

"How do you know?" He asked.

"Cho was on her phone." I said.

"I'm gonna go and kill Luna." I said.

"Fine I'll kill Neville and the Mystery Person in the next room." He said with a smile.

We kissed and went to the doors.

"House Keeping." We said.

"Come in."

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