Chapter 3

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After about 20 minutes the two boys came downstairs.
"Are you two ready to go?" I asked them.
"Yeah." They replied.
"Lets go." I said. I put my hands out for them to grab onto. When we were all connected we apperated to The Three Broomsticks. We walked in. It was practically empty. We went over to the table in the corner. About two minutes later we heard the bell ring, signalling that someone had entered. We looked over to see who it was. Ginny, Tonks, Fred and George.
"Guys. Over here." I said. They all walked over to the corner. When they saw Draco and Blaise they all looked at me confused.
"Oh yeah. I'm living with Draco and Blaise at Malfoy Manor." I said casually. They looked at me in confusion. Me, Draco and Blaise all shuffled further down on the chair so that the others could sit down.
I explained to them what happened and that if they all wanted to they could join us.
"Wait so you are a death eater?" Fred asked me.
"Yep." I said popping the 'p'.
"You coup be one too if you wanted?" Blaise said.
"I'm in." Fred said. I looked at George.
"I'm in." He said. I looked at Tonks.
"That's not even a real question. Of course I'm in." She said. I chuckled and then looked at Ginny.
"Don't need to ask me twice. I'll do it." She said. We all chuckled. We all drank some butterbeer and then Draco and Blaise went back to Malfoy Manor while Me, Ginny, Tonks, Fred and George went to Grimmauld Place.
We walked through the door and we were all pulled into bone-crushing hugs from Molly.
"Hello. What have you lot been up to?" She asked.
"We were all at my auntie and uncles house." I said.
"Did you lot have fun?" She asked.
"Yeah. It was that fun. My auntie offered if these four wanted to stay with us until the end of the holidays before we go back to school in a few weeks." I said.
"Do you four want to go?" She asked them. They all nodded.
"Go on then." She said.
We all went upstairs. They all used a spell to pack all of their things. They were all done within 5 minutes. We all apperated to Malfoy Manor. We walked up to the door. I opened it. Blaise and Draco came out of the living room.
"Hey guys." Blaise said.
"Hey." We all said back.

Narcissa walked through.
She came and hugged me.
"My my is this my niece?" She said pointing to Tonks. I nodded. She hugged Tonks and then Ginny and then she pulled the Twins into a hug.
"Draco, Blaise, Hermione you Three can give the tour." Narcissa said.
We gave the tour to the other four teenagers a tour of the house. They all seemed to be fascinated in the Quidditch pitch. We all ate dinner and then decided to go to bed. I fell asleep as soon as my head touched my pillow.

The next day.

I woke up to the sun shining through my curtains. I slipped on my slippers and walked downstairs to see 6 very grumpy looking teenagers. I chuckled a bit. I walked into the room. I poured myself some cereal and made some coffee. I sat down opposite Draco.
"Who is up for a game of Quidditch after breakfast?" I said.
"I didn't know you played Mione!" Draco said.
"Well I'm not on the team at Hogwarts but I might actually surprise you guys." I said.
"We'll play." The twins said at the same time.
"So will we." Ginny and Tonks said.
"Cool. Weasley's vs everyone else?" George asked. We all agreed. We all finished our food and coffee and then we all went to get our brooms. I had the Firebolt 2000. I walked down to the Quidditch pitch everyone else was there.
"Choose a seeker for your team!" Fred shouted.
"I'll do it." I said.
They looked at me weirdly.
"What!? Trust me I can play." I said.
"Ok Hermione you are our seeker." Draco said.
The balls were released.
The game started.
We all shot up in the air. Ginny hovered over everyone like me and was looking for the Golden Snitch. I saw a flicker of gold. I started off in the wrong direction to make Ginny think it was over there. I changed courses. I went after the Golden Snitch. After 10 minutes I managed to catch it. They all looked at me in shock.
"What!? I told you that I could play." I said with a smirk.
"You should really try out for the Griffindoor Quidditch team." Fred and George said together.
"No she shouldn't. She will beat my ass and then we wouldn't win." Blaise said.
We all burst out laughing.
We had a lot of fun over the next few hours. We played two mor games. I caught the snitch every time and when me and Draco swapped we still won. The rest of the holidays will be great.

Hey guys it's Katie here this chapter is shorter then the other two ok because where I am it is 1:01am. And I am really tired. I will try and update tomorrow well today but Bye xxx

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