Chapter 11

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By now the orange glow of the sun disappeared and is replaced with dark blackness of night. This making the room pitch black, left for my imagination to dream up monsters in the corners.

This is going to be exactly how it was back home. Constant beatings, constant fear of how bad it would hurt the next time around.

With nothing left to do, I pathetically crawl to the corner of the room. Feeling a tad bit safer now I know he can't sneak up behind me.

I never know, Jared could be sitting in front of me for all I know. He could be planning his next attack, his next threat two feet away from me.

Tucking my knees to my chest I try to look around frantically making sure no one's in here with me.

Feeling my breathing intensify with the constant worry of attack, constant worry that I'll slip up and blab to someone about this night. That Greyson and Faye will die all because of me.

I sob, while rubbing my hand across my throat still feeling as if it's still being constricted.

This can't be happening, this can't be happening. I can't be beat again. I don't want to be beat again.

Jared's black eyes play back over and over inside my head, I feel as if I'm losing my mind to insomnia.

Suddenly I feel hands on my face, they're lightly placed there but I feel as if they're going to move down at any moment and constrict my throat once again.

Looking up I see a silhouette of a man, I can't see him but I already know it's Jared. Sobbing loudly I try to kick myself away from him, try to get as far away from him. But I'm in a corner, no escape.

"No!" My voice comes out raspy and broken. "Don't hurt m-me!" I squirm, only making my neck hurt immensely.

Jared quickly grabs my waist, and I scream terrified. I scream when he pulls me, I scream when he places me into his lap, I scream so much. When in reality it only comes out as rasped hollars.

I try to escape from his hold, but he pulls me tighter against him. Tight enough to where my nose is pressed into his chest.

But what confuses me is that this is not Jared's scent. I know this scent all too well, I yearn for this scent.

This is Greyson, not Jared.

All my senses finally kick into action. I finally realize the warm and fuzzy sensation of where Greyson and I touch. The soft whispers exiting his lips as he kisses my hairline over and over again trying to comfort me. "You're okay, I got you. Shh, you're going to be okay."

Greyson's POV~

The meeting was a complete bust. The Lunar Pack's Alpha is a dick. His only concern is power and territory. Yet he has one of the biggest territory's in the area, he doesn't have the people to fill it up.

A lot of his pack has left to become rogues because of how shitty they get treated.

His people live in poverty, a social pyramid where the weaklings are at the bottom scraping for food.

Packs work together, not sectioned off while some suffer and others don't. If a section of a pack suffers, so does the rest.

He called me into the meeting because he was hoping my pack- since we have the best warriors in the area -could team up and gain The Lightwood Pack's territory.

Though The Lunar Pack is a great ally, I don't always agree with their reasons.

So in the end I denied their plead. I hope this causes no further conflict between our two packs. That Alpha is ruthless, wouldn't want to be on his bad side.

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