Chapter 47

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Leaning forward in my chair, I squint my eyes. I'm not sure if I heard him correctly. Kill Eli?

I don't think so.

"Excuse me?" I question, not hiding the bitterness in my tone at all.

He smirks dragging his finger down the blade of his pocket knife. "You heard me." Bahee flips the knife around his fingers a few times before examining it once again.

I watch as his empty eyes flicker to me for a second, tilting his head slowly. But for some reason, I smile.

Killing Eli right now? This is the worse time that he could do it. Firstly, he's surrounded by many packs that are allied with Eli.

And Faye is his mate.

Faye would destroy him.

"I'm sorry, but that's the dumbest idea I've ever heard." My smile grows finding humor in this, only makes his furry burn.

"Don't laugh at me girl." He marches towards me, though I stand up quickly which catches him off guard.

"I suggest that if you want to keep your life, you should leave Eli and his pack alone. Their pack is very likable, and surrounded by allies." I smile hearing the song playing outside come to an end. "Make the smart choice Bahee," patting his shoulder I walk back outside.

I've heard so many things about him, but I find none of them to be true.

For starters, everyone talks about how frightening he is.

But frightening is the last word I'd use to describe him. His head seems scattered, like he doesn't know how to rationalize. That's kind of important for an Alpha.

Wrapping my arms around myself I scan through the crowd. Peoples faces covered by masks dance all around. Even if I knew these people, I wouldn't even know.

Well unless I had time to actually look at them.

My stomach drops hearing my name being yelled. My eyes flicker all around, but the dumb masks aren't helping me at all.

Spinning around I hear my name again which makes me take a couple of steps before turning around again.

Where did I hear the call come from? To my left or right?

Gasping loudly, I get spun in a circle. My face is gripped in two large hands, which shake me slightly. Looking up with wide eyes, I see Greyson's concerned ones flicker all around my face. I grab his wrists releasing a steady breath.

"Are you okay? He didn't do anything to you right?" He tilts my head looking around my face for visible markings.

Shaking my head softly, I kiss his palm quickly. He becomes visibly less tense before wrapping his arms around my shoulders in a tight embrace.

"He's unpredictable, I was just worried." He links me just in case there's wondering ears from the Lunar pack.

Which is possible, honestly. There's too many scents to know who's belongs to who.

"He doesn't scare me," I whisper. Thinking back to what he said back there.

I hope he actually thinks about what I said and how much of a mistake it would be if he tried to attempt anything.

Grey laughs slightly which only makes me tighten my arms around him.

"But I am worried about one thing," I mumble looking up. He raises an eyebrow prompting me to continue.

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