A few words

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Hello guys :D

Before I start: I DON'T OWN ANY OF THE CHARACTERS, except our mysterious lady person sorcerer... Whatever, I guess you all know what I mean. I'm very proud of myself because I've watched four seasons of Merlin in a week, and I know THE SHOW IS JUST AWESOME AND DAMN YOU MOFFAT just because it's moffat. I'm very sorry that the show is over. Also, the "avatar, the last airbender" series inspired me a bit too for this. The story starts in the time that Gwen and Arthur are King and Queen from Camelot. Bad things and bad people like Morgana and Mordred are just not a part from it. And o yeah, Arthur's beloved uncle is dead. I just don't like the character.

I hope you all like the story, my precious readers :) Sorry if my use of grammar is a bit cracky, English isn't my first language. If someone is very good in making covers, be my guest.

lots of love

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