Central Valley (Virginia City)

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It's the 3rd of September and the CVP team is taking another paranormal mini-vacation. We brought along to have a roll call for 6 experienced and 2 of our new recruits and one straggler along for the ride. The team has once again arrived in Virginia City, Nevada this time at the Gold Hill Hotel. We are once again taken back in time on a journey that will not be forgotten. We check into the Brewery Lodge where everyone can be accommodated in the same area. We have stopped and stocked up on snacks, dinner and breakfast items for the next couple days.

While we checked in we were told of some of the past haunts. The front desk says not a lot of the Brewery Lodge, but Gold Hill a haunted area in itself. We then got the keys to the lodge and ventured across the street. It was located next to the Gazebo where they have weddings and other functions. We all were amazed at how much room and the sight of having a full-service kitchen and so much room to all have enough space for sleeping arrangements. It was so nice for everyone to be in the same location and to be together. We all looked around picking the different areas we wanted to sleep at. On the 2nd floor Chris, Crystal, Becky, Lee, Gemma and Dave all chose those bedrooms. Joey chooses the floor with the living room, dining area and kitchen on an air mattress that he brought. Sherry took the bedroom that was a step-down room located in the front of the lodge a bit warm when the sun was up.

It was then that everyone went a little scouting around looking at things around the area. We had stopped off at Carson City to buy some food so that we could cook dinners, breakfast and always have snacks which really was a nice thing for the late hours. Becky and I (Crystal) had decided to go upstairs and put up the air mattress that we brought so she and Lee would sleep in one of the air conditioned rooms. We decided we may need to take a nap for a bit not knowing how late we may be up for the night investigating. Everyone was lying around either catnapping or watching TV at the time. We both felt odd as if our head was spinning out of control a presence in the room. It was a feeling of having Vertigo at the time. We kind of brushed it off thinking maybe the room was slanting towards the west. Then resting we decided it was time to cook dinner. Our first night consisted of chili cheese dogs, hamburgers and potato salad and whatever chips might be your desire.  

After a time of resting from the drive, we decided that our 1st expedition is going to be going to the Boot Hill Cemetery. Before going to the cemetery we had to run by and make contact with the St. Mary's hospital in which we would be investigation the next night. Then we were now on our way to Boot Hill. We divided up having Walkie Talkies and went in different directions. There were a lot of people out visiting the area as well. It was hard to catch any evp's due to the different conversations of passerby's. We did catch a possible evp. It was there that we spoke with a fire fighter and sherry got some nice orb pictures. It was like he was leading us into a direction that he wanted us to go. It was a beautiful night at the old gold mining town.  

After visiting the area we drove around a little looking at the different shops and scouting some areas. We talked with different people on the street about what we do. We passed by one gentleman that was there for the reenactments of the gold mining days. He had the long white beard, weathered hat, boots, and confederate jacket down to the gold buttons. It was definitely taking you back to a time in the past. A few of us talked about him wondering if he was for real. He past with such a swagger that was a time motionless and didn't even look at you as if you were even around. We tried to locate the store in which we had previously left a card. It was no longer around. We made our way to the location in which I had previously had my experience with the unknown before. This was a Gentlemen's Club. Becky had previously been on a ghost tour walk here before. We filmed this and actually got a hand that was going up my back. We had lots of KII hits while asking questions on the meter. We had pictures of transfiguration on a couple pictures as well. We later found out that's this was called Knights of the Pythia's Building founded in 1876. Upon further research on the Knights, I found the following which was hard to believe existed in a Gold mining town: A member must be at least 18 years of age. He cannot be a professional gambler or involved with illegal drugs or alcohol and he must have a belief in a Supreme Being. The oath was taken by members: When in a gold mining town you know that the gambling and alcohol were upon every corner. Then to hear that it was once a gentlemen's club was astounding as well. With the town partying on next to the building we found that it was time that we head back to the lodge all of us ready to turn in for a good night's sleep. We knew the next day was going to be a long day and we were all excited to be going into the Saint Mary's Hospital. It's now time to head to St. Mary's Hospital there we will be meeting up with the caretaker.

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