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It all started when I was 8 years old in an old Victorian house, England. I had always had strong beliefs in the afterlife and ghost, etc. So, when I was going to bed I heard a moan, and I knew it wasn't my mother because she was downstairs and this sound came from my room (although it sounded distant at the same time...) and it wasn't my father or a sibling because I was an only child and my father was doing a late shift. I thought of it as nothing and I went to sleep.

The next night when I went to bed, just as I lay down, even though my door was shut and my windows were closed (I remember checking) my curtains flared up and went flying! I yelped and ran downstairs and insisted on sleeping in the same bed as my mother and father. My father had to fix my curtains and blamed me for ripping them down and when I tried to explain he didn't believe me at all.

The next night just got worse for me. My father had tucked me into bed about 10 minuets ago and he forgot to close my door. There was a light on in the hallway so a shadow could easily be cast. Which it did! A tall shadow walked into my room and disappeared into the shadows! Now I was paralyzed with fear and I started leaking tears because I was afraid that if I called out then 'it' would come back. I didn't sleep until my mother and father came to bed and I burst into tears. This time they didn't let me sleep with them because they said I had to get over my fear and stop imagining things. I went to sleep at about 11 PM.  

I woke up after a bad nightmare (It was about a ghost, a deep shade of grey, trying to kill me and drag me to the other world; I know, it sounds lame) and I looked over towards my bedroom door. Nothing strange (yet...) but as I started staring at my dark ceiling, a knock came at my door. At first I thought it was my mother/father, hence the shadow crawling across my room, and stayed where I was.  

The rapping at my door didn't stop, so I got out of bed (I am not as brave as I used to be!) and opened the door to reveal nothing. Just an empty corridor. I slammed the door shut, dived under my bed covers and shivered with fright. The next thing I knew, it was morning. I sighed with relief at the gentle sun climbing the pale blue sky.

Of course when night came creeping back I didn't want to go to bed but had no choice. I woke up after a restless sleep and what I saw would most likely make anyone die of fright but I was dazzled by it as if It cast a spell on me. At the end of my bed was a glowing orb with green and black eyes staring at me. It was elevated off of the ground and it's eyes pulsed. It didn't look anything like a human form so I don't know what's up with the human shadow, sailing across my wall. I crawled to the end of my bed and gazed at the eerily beautiful light. Suddenly the spell broke and I realized what I was doing. I flung back onto my bed and shut my eyes tight. Once again, I was too scared to call out. I finally decided to scream my lungs out. So I screamed a shrill scream. My father ran into my room instantly and claimed that he thought I was being kidnapped! I told him what I had saw and what do you know? He didn't believe me.

The next night and the night after that and the night after that (etc) I saw the same orb and screamed until I could scream no more. My auntie (and my family full stop) isn't religious in anyway but she bought me this bracelet with different colored bells on. It was said to bring your guardian angel to help you when you rung the bells. I tried it out and I even tried praying and guess what? The orb never bothered me again. Maybe there is a god? If so, I hope he or she forgives me for being non-religious. Even to this day, as long as I keep my bracelet close, I feel like there is a good presence around.

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