Grandma's House

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It was spring break and I was staying with my grandparents for a night. I had one of my dogs with me (she loves going to grandma's house). My dog had been playing outside most of the day and came in around 8. She was fine. She slept for a while.

My grandparents went to bed around midnight and left me the front room to sleep in. I blocked off the door to the kitchen so my dog wouldn't run around the house disturbing anyone. I turned out the lights and was watching TV while laying down on the couch. About 10 minutes after I turned out the lights, my dog put her head up and started growling. At first I thought she might have heard something outside, but then I realized she wasn't looking outside. She was looking underneath a bench my grandma had in the corner. At first I told myself to ignore it, then she got up and was staring at the corner. She had her tail under her legs and her hair was standing straight up on her back. She ran over to me and tried to get on the couch with me (she hates sitting on the couch with another person). I told her to get off and she laid down right in front of the couch. She kept on growling and a couple times she made low barking noises. I got a little annoyed and walked over to turn on the light hoping that would calm her down. She quit growling, but her head was always up, like she was looking at something.

I woke up to the TV. My grandparents have cable and when something happens to it, it says "No Signal". This time the TV was on the white, fuzzy screen making that loud noise. Kinda like it used to do when it went off air. I ran over to the TV to turn it off. It wouldn't shut off. So I grabbed the remote and pressed the power buttons, but the TV wouldn't turn off. I laid down the remotes and all the sudden the TV shut off. I wasn't pressing anything, it just went off. I turned it on again and it was acting normal. I laid down and looked at the clock, it read exactly 3:00. I decided I would stop thinking about it so I could sleep. I would think about it more in the morning.  

I woke up around 8 to let my dog out. My grandparents have this stick that latches on the door knob and goes to the floor. It's like another lock on the door. I took the off and put it on the bench. The stick has rubber on both sides so it cant slide. I kept my dog outside and went to use the restroom. When I came back to let her in, the stick was on the ground away from the bench. I never heard anything. My dog was outside so she couldn't have knocked it over and I was the only one awake at the time.

I did a few tests to see how it could have fallen. It was hard to push over and it always fell close to the bench, not where I found it. It also always made a loud noise when it fell. Is my grandma's house haunted? Some may think it was all a coincidence, but I believe it really is.

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