He Loves The Music

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I am new to this site, but I have always wanted to tell my story to a larger crowd. I have not told many people this story. It took me a year to even bring it up for the first time. It just seems so insane and farfetched that I figured no one would believe me! Please give me your thoughts.

I am a 29-year-old female. When I was 16 years old, I was at my best friend's house whom I almost lived with. I was always over at her house. We regularly hung out in the garage that we turned into a little hang out area. We had music and a table for playing cards at. Her house was an older house. It always put off the creep vibe but I had never had a paranormal experience so it definitely was not something that was on my mind.

On one particular night, my best friend and I were hanging out in the garage. She left the room to eat, I followed but then had to return for something before she did. There was a cloth we hung from the door that divided the hangout room from the actual garage. As I walked into the garage, I remember hearing Bob Marley playing on the stereo.

I pulled the cloth divider back and immediately could see a little boy sitting on the ground. He was sitting crossed legged and looking up at the stereo as if he was enjoying the music. He was wearing a blue and white striped shirt and his hair was wavy fire engine red. Right at that moment, I realized I was seeing a spirit. I could see right through him. The garage door behind him was visible through his body. I shut the curtain.

Then BAM! like out of nowhere my mind, eye, my spirit came out of my body. I went right through the curtain and for a second I could see every thread in it. Then the curtain was behind me. I was in the same room as the little boy and I could see him very clearly. My spirit went right in front of him doing a circle around him and then stopping. I was looking him directly in his blue eyes. I could see every freckle in his face. Then as fast as it happened I entered back to my body.

I quickly left the room. Before I could make it out, I heard a voice but not an actual voice, it was like having someone else's thought in my head. It asked, "Are you scared of me?" I believe the child ghost communicated with me telepathically. I quickly got out of there. I did not even tell my best friend. I just thought it sounded too crazy.

This is a story I have kept to myself for many years. Just writing about it brings tears to my eyes. This was something that was very terrifying for me at 16 and I thought about it a lot. I tried to do research of the property and nothing. I had more experiences than this one in that house and in life.

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