Glowing Red Eyes

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This happened many many years ago, and probably my first paranormal experience. It was when I was in grade 4 or 5, and I was sleeping over at a friends place who lived down the street from me at the time, her place was okay to be at during the day, but as soon as it got dark, the house seemed a bit more creepy to me. It was an old styled 2 story house, and the bedrooms were upstairs.

If I went up there to grab something from my friends room, I would always ask if she would come with me, because I had always felt scared to go there alone. If we were up there to watch TV I would always look over to the rooms when the lights were off, feeling like we were not the only 2 up stairs.

One time when we were in the spare room, we would always stay up late talking about stuff from school and what we wanted to do and play with the next day. The bedroom door was open and I looked over there, and I saw these 2 glowing red eyes, which made me sit up quickly in the bed and shuffle up against the wall, my friend asked me what was wrong and I said I saw red eyes at the door looking in. She didn't see anything. When I looked back, they were further in the room, I thought maybe it was her older brother playing a joke on us with 2 torches. We got up and went into his room, but he was fast asleep. Which made me freak out even further. We went back to the spare room and got back into bed, but the next time I saw them, they were outside the window, in which no one could be standing outside of, as we were on the second floor of the house and there was a drop from that window to the back patio.  

Ever since this experience, I was always wary about staying over her house, and if I did, she would always bring up the experience I had, thinking I was making things up, which is what I would of though if it happened to her as well. I get very teary when thinking about the experience for some reason, I don't know why. I have since had many other experiences grown up with paranormal things, but nothing like the red glowing eyes at my friends house..every time I have a paranormal experience I always get teary eyed and like I have overcome with emotion, I believe this is the spirit manipulating the situation. They haven't been bad experiences, but probably just them wanting someone to know they are there and they do exist, but I will never forget my very first experience, ever.  

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