Choked By A Ghost

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My boyfriend told me he see's a lot of paranormal activity such as things moving and being thrown around, never been anything too frightening, more weird than anything.

Last night we went to bed and after about a minute or two of him being asleep, if that, he started to choke. I thought he was snoring at first and thought wow he went to sleep quick, so I left him to see if he would eventually stop. Then it got worse, only he sounded like he was choking this time, really choking.

I pushed him to wake him up and then had to shout at him quite loud until he woke up and gasped for air as though whatever had hold of his neck had suddenly let go. He was genuinely frightened and when he got up to turn the light on, where he had been laying there was a soaking wet imprint of his body. I was so frozen with fear because even with the light on and both of us being wide awake.

I could tell in his face he was genuinely terrified and in shock. When he told me what had happened he said as soon as he closed his eyes he was in a small garden and went through a gate, as soon as he opened it a small girl was stood in the doorway and grabbed him by his neck without any emotion on her face and without a struggle she managed to choke him. He said it felt like she was waiting for him to close his eyes or drop off to sleep.

My bedroom at this point had such an eerie and quite hostile feel. I've never ever experienced anything like it. I do believe in the paranormal but personally I've never seen anything, only ever felt things that I think were down to my own imagination.

He said that things like this have happened before such as a few years ago he woke up choking his girlfriend at the time but couldn't remember how it had all came about, as far as he was concerned he was asleep.

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