Ghost Talking To My Daughter

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I'm a bit worried after talking to my daughter. I knew there was something in the house since moving in, as the TV in the kid's room would turn on by itself when my younger daughter would be napping in her cot. No way she could get out and turn it on being so young too. This happened twice.

Then one day I came home after going to the shop, my baby son was in his pram sleeping. For about 10 minutes on and off the pram kept rocking backward and forwards by itself. It freaked me out and I showed my sister to come to see who was in the other room. It carried on. I felt okay as I thought it's obviously friendly and just looking out for the kids. Then my daughter mentioned she hears her name being called at night very often and it wakes her up. That night my husband swears he heard a girl's voice calling my daughters name. He said it was very clear.

The next day I spoke to my daughter about what she had said to me the day before. She said it's a girl who calls her name most nights, she repeats herself calling her but she sees no one. She also said this person tells her off and says she is being naughty which apparently upsets my daughter as she says she's done nothing wrong.

Now, this is really worrying me. She says she doesn't know who it is. I said to her ask them who they are then.

I've looked this up apparently you don't want to respond?! I'm going to have to tell her to ignore this now. My daughter is 5 this seems very scary to be going through and it does scare her. She said it's been happening for a while since we been at this house for about a year and a half now.

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