Visit From A Fallen Soldier

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This story takes place around D-Day (June 1944). When my Grandpa was a young boy (no older than 10), his uncle was in WWII, and one of the thousands who died on the European beach fronts (not sure if Omaha or not). However, the story of his death also takes place in the bedroom of my young Grandad (we'll call him F). F told me this story personally. He was a very sincere man, and not one to lie about paranormal events.

It was very late in the night and F was in an upstairs attic/bedroom with his brother. The two shared a room and were well on their ways to sleep. F was awakened when he noticed his uncle (his mother's brother who was in the war) enter the room. His uncle came over to where he was laying and was attempting to give F pennies. He didn't know why pennies.

A few moments later, F's mother walked into the room (was it instinct or coincidence? I don't know). She saw the scene which she knew was impossible: her brother was in the room interacting with F. Frightened and shocked, she exclaimed, "---, what are you doing here?!" The soldier then turned and left the room (he either disappeared through the wall or walked past F's mom out the bedroom door).

It wasn't but a few days later when F's family received the news that her brother had been killed by opposing forces in Europe, the very same night both she and F saw him in the bedroom.

I apologize for the unclean details in this story, as they were told by my Grandad and I can't remember exactly what was going through his mind at the time and he himself was young. Though, I think it is amazing that both him and my Great-Grandmother shared this experience (it really validates the encounter). My Mom tells me that both of them were very susceptible to the paranormal, which I why I believe they both saw my great uncle, while F's brother who was in the same room did not.

I am still curious as to why my great uncle was offering my Grandad pennies of all things. They were not poor.

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