Interaction With A Poltergeist

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I've always had a fascination with ghosts. Why they're here. Why they won't move on. Whether they exist. I have visited several haunted locations in Britain including Dover Castle (where I saw my first ghost which I will speak about some other time) and the Tower of London (no contact). I have also been on a ghost walk. When I see evidence of a haunting, I try to make contact.

My fascination took me down a dark road a few years ago. I went to this after-school club every evening as my parents didn't finish work until late. The club was on the same grounds as a church so there was a cemetery. This club will probably be a center of many of my stories as I have had several encounters here including witnessing apparitions and a local urban legend that may, in fact, be real.

This was one of my scariest though. There was this coat room at the back of the hall where the club was held. If the light was off, it was pitch black and if you opened the fire exit door in there it leads to the cemetery. My friends and I decided to hold a sort of seance (no ouija boards - I hate those things) in the coat room. It started out us just messing about laughing. We were getting ready to give up and just tell stories when something happened.

The temperature in the room dropped. The room was always cold - but this was like outdoor winter temperature. Then the light started flickering (sorry if this sounds cliche but this is what happened).

People in the room started saying something was tapping them on the shoulder and then the door shut (we weren't allowed to fully close the door). The door that leads to the cemetery started shaking and people were freaking out.

I'm trying to remain calm (as you may know this isn't my first encounter) but I'm unsure. Everyone works together to try and open the door and we eventually get it open and I thought that it was over. Then someone just got pushed on the floor - by this poltergeist, we had come in contact with. I'm freaking out now and so is everyone else.

I tell the spirit to leave and it has no business here and next thing I know I've been thrown across the room. Some people thought I jumped of course (can't blame them). My friends were screaming and I was praying at this point (this lightened the mood - all my friends were atheist) - but after I prayed, it stopped.

Might not sound like much but it was the scariest day of my life and I've not tried to conduct a seance ever since.

Has anything similar happened to anyone? I don't really tell many people because they think I'm crazy or lying but me and 4 other people experienced this.

REAL GHOST STORIESDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora