Student Flat With Unwanted Roommate

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This is my first ever personal paranormal experience. I have had friends who have went through some scary stuff as a child and played with Ouija Boards. I've always been interested in the paranormal but would never tamper with forces I do not understand.

Me and my best friend Ruth have been living together for just over a month now. We have rented a two bedroom apartment that came completely unfurnished. We were cautious at first as we had heard stories prior to moving in that there were mass robberies occurring in this particular block. However, with a new security door and new sealed windows we soon felt comfortable and safe. That was, until the noises started.

The first experience happened when I was doing the dishes. As I was just about finishing up, I could hear hysterical crying coming from down the hall. Worried, thinking it was Ruth, I quickly put down the plate I was washing and went down the hall to Ruth's room. When I opened the door, Ruth was happily sitting with her laptop watching an episode of "Friends." Although I could see clearly that she was not crying I still asked anyway, to which she replied no. When I asked her if anyone was crying on her program she can said no. With this, I soon left and went back to the dishes. Please note that no one else has yet moved into the apartment building, we have no neighbors upstairs, downstairs or beside us.

Ruth left me home alone one night to stay over at her boyfriend's. I was in my room playing the electric piano when suddenly it turned off. I checked my phone, which had died even though I was sure that it had plenty of charge. At that moment my bedroom door slowly started to shut, then completely closed. Normally that sort of thing wouldn't freak me out as I would pass it off as just being the wind. However, because of my shoe hanger, the door can't shut unless you forcefully make it shut. Yet somehow it has managed to do this on its own?

Another night I went around all the rooms switching everything off before bed. When I went into the hall to turn the light on so I could make my way to the bathroom, something grabbed my attention. Standing outside my bedroom door only six or seven inches away from me, I could see this dark figure. It wasn't shadowy but more like a mass of something? The thing that stood out the most to me was the feeling that was in the air, it was electrical in a way and thick. Because this freaked me out, I quickly turned the light on and I couldn't see it anymore; however, I could still feel "its" presence, this electrical feeling in the air around it. I paused there for a moment, and just as quickly as it was there, the feeling suddenly went. There was no thickness in the air or figure and I was no longer scared.

Also, another time when I went out to get milk from a 24 hr store at night. Ruth thought I was playing a prank on her and had not left the flat. When I came back, Ruth was shaking and upset because "someone or something" kept banging on her bedroom door, then stopping and then starting. She said this happened repetitively until I returned back home.

One of my friends from the college has a mother who is a medium. My friend can also see spirits but has not yet been able to control his ability. He came over for the first time and without us having to say anything, he turned around and told me that there is someone outside my bedroom door (in the hallway). He also stated that he feels the presence of more than one; however, there is one with a very strong energy.

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