Moving Objects

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Now here goes my experience; I was 6 or 7 and still slept on the same bed with my parents because at that point in time I was the only child and my mum was not ready to let me out of her sight, no matter what. So this particular night, for some reason I was not feeling sleepy as I laid in the middle of my father and mother. It was about 3:05 am in the morning, we had a digital clock in the room so I am precise about the time this bizarre occurrence took place. Sleep had eluded me and I was just gazing into empty space when all of a sudden everything in-animate in the room became alive. My Michael Angelo figure toy (Cartoon character from TMNT) was waving at me with this ominous evil smile on its face. The calendar on the wall was swinging forcefully from left to right, this was strange as there was no air coming in from anywhere. Everything was literally alive; either they were moving or vibrating. Now what got me even more scared was all of a sudden 3 cats appeared at the foot of our bed and were running in circles (As if the first cat was pursuing the second, and the second pursuing the third in a circular motion) This continued for a minute and they all sort of merged and transformed into a big black snake with red eyes. The eyes of the serpent were pure evil. I didn't even need the moonlight to see the eyes. Its glow was bright and piercing. At that point, I had seen enough & I shouted at the top of my voice. This woke my parents; my dad rushed and switched on the light & to my surprise, everything awkward had returned to normal, the snake had vanished, the calendar wasn't swinging anymore, the Figure toy wasn't waving nor smiling at me anymore, everything had returned to normal.

I narrated my experience to my parents and they prayed for me. Needless to say, they set ablaze my Michael Angelo toy and the calendar. The average Nigerian is extremely superstitious would you blame them? This country is a habitation of wickedness, evil spirits, very dark sorcery, and whatnot.

Please if you have had any experience remotely similar to these or know what happened to me please share in the comment section. I am 21 now & have never experienced anything as bizarre. It would mean a lot to me if someone with experience can explain this to me.

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