Wide-Eyed Girl

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The bedroom I was staying at in high school was avoided by relatives and helpers that came to stay before I moved in. They claim to get horrible nightmares about a woman in that bedroom. I personally never had any, and all my nights there had been comfortable except one particular night in 2008.

I slept on a single bed and I share the bedroom with our house helper who sleeps on the pullout bed. There is about a foot difference in our levels so we practically are on the same bed.

One night, I was awoken by a very eerie sound of moaning. It sounded like a moan of anger and despair. It sounded like our house helper was having a nightmare. But what got to me was that her moaning voice was much deeper than her actual voice, and the intensity of her anger/despair was too hard to ignore.

I decided to wake her up as her sound creeped me out. I was calling her name out and she just kept moaning back each time (my back was to her). I decided to roll around to the edge of the bed and shake her awake. When I did face her, her face being only about a foot away from mine, I saw very clearly that her eyes were wide opened. It was opened as wide as eye lids can open and almost looked cartoonishly circular. Her eyes looked furious.

Initially, I thought "Well she is awake, why is she moaning still?". Until I get to look at her properly and noticed that her face was slightly different as well. It's like a different girl was sleeping on her bed but our house helper's body lays there. As the realization hits, fear and shock settle in. I pulled up my blanket over my head and kicked her very hard on her legs in the hopes to wake her up.

Few kicks later, she finally wakes up. She says "Thank you so much for waking me up, I was having a nightmare", in a very exhausted voice. "What is your nightmare about"? I asked. She said, "It was about a very angry woman who was chasing me endlessly. Her eyes looked so round with anger, I was scared the whole time".

After I left to go to Uni in a different city, cousins who have slept there claimed to have nightmares about the same angry woman chasing them and would move different rooms in the middle of the night to avoid dreaming about her again.

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