Little Girl's Voice

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Around April 2017 I was dating a girl, let's call her Saya. Saya and I had a special relationship, we instantly clicked and became very close, however she was depressed and got ill regularly, maybe because of her anemia or her cancer that we'd later find out. She always said she had a sixth sense and loved ghost stories however when I talked about ghosts on the phone or video chat, she begged me to stop because she lived alone in a big apartment and didn't want to get scared. Whenever I did go to her place, we'd forget about ghost stories, watched anime and what not.

One night as we texted each other and had our first big argument, it was clear her depression affected her mental state and she doubted our relationship, she said hurtful things and I got incredibly angry and emotional. I sent her a text wishing her well and she should sort her problems out.

After I sent that text, I slung my phone in anger onto the bed, I felt that this was it, I would never see her again or hear her voice, it felt like a breakup. I felt my heart was about to break. I became so sad and full of anguish, I was ready to burst into tears and sob. As I was about to crack, I suddenly heard the voice of a young girl either a child or someone youthful, crystal clear and real as day say my name. It said my name in a yearning and concerned manner as if they wanted to hold me tight. The way the tone of the voice was felt like someone saying "It's okay" or "No, please don't cry" I instantly became happier, calm and at peace. I felt a warm glow inside my body, the atmosphere in the room felt lighter. I swear I heard the voice so clearly as if someone was in the room right with me, I so grateful for it.

Who was this voice?

At first, I thought it was Saya's voice as if she was contacting me in a strange psychic way, but I didn't recognize it even though it sounded similar. I thought about all the women or little girls I knew in my life but I never heard that distinctive, soothing yet angelic voice before.

I told my grandmother it and she said that it could be the voice of someone I'm yet to meet, someone from my future. I'm not sure. What do you think it was?

My non-spiritual friend believed that my subconscious mind tried stopping me from heartbreak and played a trick of the mind, I subconsciously wanted comfort and nursing at that moment. If it was a spirit, I'm perplexed and curious about the identity of the girl's voice.

REAL GHOST STORIESOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora