A Demon Or A Ghost?

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So first of all I kind of should state that English is only my second language so I apologize for every minor mistake made by me. I know this story might sound crazy but this is the absolute truth that happened.

Okay so ever since that fateful night I've really been wondering as of to what this "Being" is. It all happened about 5 or 6 years ago. I've always been very sensitive as of to feeling the presence of spirits and sort of been "communicating" with some so to say. I have been having training from a Reiki shaman who taught me several things but in general since I met this guy strange occurrences has been happening.

The particular incident happened right after I turned 18 and I moved into this little hole of an apartment in a little town in Denmark. I had moved in there and lived in the building for about 5 months. The neighbors were absolutely terrible and to be honest looking back it seemed like they were kind of affected by something as well because they were lovely at first and then my Polish friend moved in with me to reduce the bills and such.

Nothing paranormal had happened whatsoever apart from the usual spirit energies I've always felt but since the day he moved in, there had always been unusual energy about him that I really didn't like. It felt kind of sickening being around him but he's been my friend for the most of my life and he doesn't believe in the paranormal.

So... Nothing strange happened or anything until about a week or so after he moved in. He was currently going to school and had to get up early, therefore, he had to go early to bed. So 10 o'clock he went to bed and I told him I was going to play some of my games at the time for a few more hours.

This is the night that without a doubt changed both of our lives forever. I was sitting in my chair with my headset on and watching a series on one screen and playing a game on the other.

Suddenly I had this... Uhmmm not quite sure how to explain it but this insane dark aura of dark energy hanging about in the apartment and I have never ever felt anything like this before. It simply felt like everything in the room was consumed by darkness and for the first time in my life I experienced fear out of nowhere. It was this manic feeling of fear and I got this sudden feeling of running out of the apartment (and I did twice... Leaving my roommate there sleeping definitely not one of my proudest moments). When I came back the second time apart from the feeling of the dark cloud hanging about since nothing really happening I somehow managed to calm myself down and started watching some more of my series.

About half and hour later the feeling got so overwhelming I figured I should get to bed and try to rationalize it tomorrow. About 3 or 4 o'clock I woke up with this dark figure with no edges. It was like a completely dark flame with red eyes again the same curvey no edges fire"ish" shaped eyes, standing in front of me. Right when I woke up and looked at whatever it is, it like came bending over super fast and vaporized right in my face. I was so freaked out and scared I ran up and outta my bed into the hallway in only my underwear.

When I got out there I sat for like 5 minutes on the stairs trying to collect myself. I decided that I had to go bed and get my clothes on and go home to my parents whom lived not to far away from me at the time. When I got in my apartment again the heavy dark feeling had completely vanished so I sat down to get my socks on. And this point in time my roommate woke up in a state of shock and panic (his bed was connected to mine since it was a 1 room apartment and we couldn't afford anything bigger at the time) and he just looked right into my eyes and said "Holy..." I seriously thought a dark figured just bent right above me and looked straight in my face (then he described the exact same thing I just did completely panicked) I bursted out in a scared way "No... Way" grabbed a few things and left.

I really have thought about what this was countless times and really haven't ever encountered anything like this before. Nothing has happened to me after that day (not sure about my friend since he moved out not long after) so I'm really curious as of anyone has had similar things happened to them.

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