Woman In The Wardrobe

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My very first experience with the paranormal was when I was round about 6 years old. It took place at my grans' house in the East of Scotland, Fife, Buckhaven.

I was staying with my gran that night with my older sister Hollie. Hollie and I shared the double bed while my gran was on the floor. I woke up at somewhere around 3 in the morning, and as soon as I woke up I instantly felt like someone was watching me. I glanced over towards my gran's wardrobe which was basically right in front of me and a blurry white figure walked out from the wardrobe and stood there looking directly at me. I froze and was too scared to move so I put my head down and looked at it from the corner of my eye. I was shaking all over, due to the fact that I didn't have a clue who this strange person was, this was a completely new experience for me.

As I was looking at it from the corner of my eye it moved over towards the bed, it kept on moving until it came to my older sister beside me, it looked down at her and then turned its head up to look at me. By this time I was terrified so I decided to go down and sleep beside my gran on the floor. When I was all wrapped up in the duvet on the floor I told my gran that I had seen something or someone comes out of the wardrobe and it was now stood next to Hollie, my gran looked up and turned the bedside light on she then said to me that there was nothing there and it was just a bad dream, I then looked up to see if she was telling the truth and she was right it wasn't there but I doubted to think that it was a dream.

While next to my gran on the floor I began shaking again and getting even more scared than I was to start off with. I have always had this strange urge to look under beds before I go to sleep in case something is there so I lifted up the material covering the bottom of the bed, and got a terrible fright when I saw that the blurry figure was under the bed staring right at me, and just then I saw a faint picture of Hollie (my sister) turn up to where the figures face should have been, I have no idea what it meant at the time and I am still a bit unsure.

My gran still does not believe me to this very day and it happened almost 10 years ago. I have heard from my gran that my auntie Jacqui went on about a woman dressed in old-fashioned clothes wandering around in the upstairs of my grans' house so I'm still wondering if I saw her. Even my sister, Hollie says that she hears clicking noises and tapping noises on her bed when she is trying to sleep. Most people that have stayed a night in my grans' house have had strange experiences apart from my gran herself which I think is a little unusual. I have only seen this spirit once in my life. I now sleep with the big light on every night and also with the TV on. Straight after this experience, I got a phobia of the dark, I also tend to be quite frightened of silence now as well. I have never gone a day without my big light being on at night. I'm frightened because I tend to see all sorts of things in the dark and that scares me even more.

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