The Ghost In The Office

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This creepy experience happened to me back in 2009. I used to work in a makeshift office in Manila. It was an old expat house, with the owner as our boss. The creepy feeling of the house is aggravated by the antique furniture that my boss is fond of collecting. The house was once chosen to be the set of a local haunted film because of its creepiness. Since the house is big, he converted the first floor into an office space where we usually take shifting hours of work. The second floor houses the living room, a bedroom, bathroom, dining area and the kitchen.

My work schedule was flexible, meaning I could cross shifts from afternoon to night shifts. My workstation was somewhere near the stairs (located in the center of the ground floor, very much of the old wooden houses in the Philippines, so I get a good glimpse of the whole floor as well as the stairs beside me). All throughout, I had been feeling like someone was seated or was standing on the staircase. But I was quick to dismiss the feeling and told myself that I was only scaring myself to death. There have been stories already about that house and I just listen and don't entertain the idea.

It was around 2 am while my officemates and I were laughing like crazy at a video we were watching over the internet when suddenly I felt something strange and it was as if I had something heavy on my shoulders. It was spine chilling and I felt a sudden brush of a cold breeze at the back of my neck. I have an officemate who told me that there was a new office worker who could see ghosts. I quickly sent a message via Skype to my office mate telling him to ask the new officemate to look over our side. I was surprised with what she said: "It's gone. He just passed by your back. But he was there staring at you guys for the past 15minutes from the stairs". Oh my, we never told her anything that I was experiencing something creepy at that moment but what she said made perfect sense. How did she know about the eerie feeling I had that somebody or something is watching over us in the staircase. How did she know that I felt something at my back? Needless to say, I didn't take another nightshift for the rest of the month.

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