Little Girl By My Bed

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I've always had some sort of spiritual connection to things in my life, my dad said I got it from his mum who was very much into that sort of stuff. I can sometimes tell if something is about to happen or have knowledge of an event before it occurs. Like when I was a waitress I could tell if someone was going to knock something over or bump into a table before it happened. However, that could just be good intuition but I have also had experiences with ghosts that I find hard to chalk up to something else.

A prominent experience of mine was when my family was holidaying in Norfolk (maybe in 2001?) and we stayed in a cottage next to a graveyard. I was a little kid (before I could read) and I told my parents that a little boy a couple years older than me was being mean and I then said his name. I described him as what I now understand to be wearing Victorian style clothes, and said he was around 5. My parents brushed it off and just thought I had made it up but later on that day my father walked through the graveyard and saw a gravestone which said the little boys' name and that he died when he was 5 in the Victorian period. Again I couldn't read at the time and would have no knowledge of the time period or what they wore. Fair to say my parents were freaked out!

After that, I haven't experienced anything else to do with ghosts to my knowledge, since as I've got older (I'm now 20) I haven't seen anything and almost doubted what I saw as a kid. But several weeks ago I experienced something that changed my perspective.

I'm at university now in Bath and am in my 2nd year and living with my roommates. Now in Bath most, the houses are quite old and I don't know the exact date the house we're renting was built, but it would probably be at least 60/70 years old when you look at the architecture and the location.

So my housemates and I have a running joke that we have a fictional ghost named Becky in the house because the house itself makes a lot of noises and our neighbors are noisy also. So for over two months now we have been joking that if there's a loud bang or footsteps it's been Becky (in reality we know it's probably the neighbors' sound traveling through the walls). However, I had a really weird experience the other day that I can't blame on the neighbors which I only remembered after my roommate jump scared me.

I'm a heavy sleeper but I tend to wake up several times in the morning and fall straight back to sleep after finding a better sleeping position. What I remembered was that during one of these points where I woke up and moved was a little girl standing by my bed.

Now I know that the most logical explanation is that I was dreaming or it was sleep paralysis however I never have gotten SP and I also moved during it so that pretty much eliminates it. In terms of dreaming it, I have never dreamt about where I've been staying and I've never had a dream where I wake up within the dream only to fall back asleep. So although it doesn't rule it out I really doubt it was a dream.

With the little girl, she was wearing a striped top and darkish trousers, she looked like she was dressed in clothes from the 1960s-1980s. She had a fringe and a bob and was just looking at me from beside my bed the way a child does to their parent, she looked to be between 9-12 years old. I remember thinking that I was just seeing things and that it was my coat but I looked closer and blinked a couple times and I knew it was a girl. She had a clear outline but was faded so I was able to see my coat behind her. She wasn't monochrome but looked like she was washed out, so I could tell that she was a dirty blonde or brunette but I wasn't certain, almost like greyscale but with more color I guess?

I didn't get any bad vibes or anger from her so much so I just brushed it off and went back to sleep and forgot about it until my roommate scared me a couple days later which looking back on I'm very surprised I forgot about her.

I spoke to my roommates about it and we talked about whether she was real or if I was just confused and why she would be in our house. We discussed why she would appear to me and they said that I'm the most relaxed when it comes to ghosts and I previously had told them about my encounter as a kid so they knew it wasn't my first time seeing a ghost. They also said that I was the most motherlike figure in the house and that might be why she appeared to me. My room is also extremely cold most of the time despite it only having one wall exposed to the weather.

We're now questioning that because we have been talking about the fictional ghost Becky so much beforehand whether we have allowed one to come into our house. The noises that we jokingly blamed on Becky and/or the neighbors are now freaking us out more because what if she's still in our home and stuck here?

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