Evil In The Store Room

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I lived with my grandparents for a period of time when I was younger as my parents often moved around due to my father's work was irregular. My grandparents house was an old mining house and had a separate garage further aways from the house. Behind the garage was this 4 by 4 store room that used to store chopped wood logs and canned goods. One side was for chopped wood logs and the other side was shelves of canned goods. I loved canned goods. The electricity back then was unreliable and I had to often do my homework or read books next to candlelight. The house would be warmed up by the fireplace that we used every single winter. It was bliss.

Anyways! I was seven years old, almost eight years old. It was peak autumn and my granddad asked me to get the biggest log of wood from the storeroom and he sent me along with a torch. I remember opening the door and shining the torch in the corner for some reason. I heard a noise I think. In this corner, there was this black pool of something growing bigger and bigger and then two black arms pulled itself out of the pool, crawled up onto the walls and rushed at me. I dropped my torch with fright and in the darkness, I could feel immense anger and evil radiating off this thing. I was taking a while so my granddad came after me and he saw me standing there frozen, scolded me for taking a while. He brought me back to the house, re-did the fireplace and I was very very upset. So I told my grandmama about it and my grandmama is a very religious person and she believed me straight away. She got out her Bible and her rosary necklace and prayed for hours it felt like. I never went near the storeroom again and when someone asked me I refused to do so.

The next time I had to stay with my grandparents, I was told that for some reason the cats would give birth to kittens in the storeroom, the kittens would die the next day. My granddad is an avid cat lover and many times he would move the kittens into the house, and they've still died. My granddad saw this thing a couple of times either in the corner or on the ceiling. It gave him a heck of fright so he called the local priest and they did some prayer rituals and stuff, and the priest told my grandparents that they better burn the storeroom down which they did straight away. However, the storeroom is not there anymore but every now and then they see this black figure just standing there. It doesn't ever move. It just stays there. My grandmama thinks it's a portal but neither of them will go near it. The grass around the area doesn't grow there.

I now live in Australia but I check in with my grandparents as often as I can. They're so ancient they still use a fax machine to talk to us. I always ask about the black evil figure and they say they still see it.

It's something that no one should ever experience and neither should a seven-year-old. It's no fun.

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