Bedroom Voice

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When I got married five years ago, I moved into my husband's house in Wenatchee, Washington. The house was built in 1959. One night, about a month after we got married, we went to bed around 11 pm. I laid down next to my husband and put my head on his shoulder. The nightstand light next to him was still on, and within 30 seconds of me resting on his shoulder, I heard a woman sigh deeply, as loud and real as if she was right next to me, in the same location as my husband. I was so startled I sat up and asked my husband if he heard it. He said that he did, but he didn't seem bothered by it like I was and went back to trying to fall asleep.

My husband worked at a job in which a couple of nights a week he had to work all night until 8 am. One night when he was away working, about a couple of weeks after we heard the sigh, I again went to bed around 11 pm. I decided to lay on his side of the bed. I had the light on to read and had just settled in when I heard the woman sigh in my ear again like she was right next to me. It sounded identical to the first time I heard it. I was alone in the house and it scared me enough that I had to keep the light on all night.

When I told my husband about hearing the sighing sound again, he told me that before he bought the house, an old woman had lived there and that she was disabled and stayed in bed for years before she eventually died in that room.

I didn't hear the sigh again, and we had to move a couple of months later. I've wondered if the next occupants have had the same experience.

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