Soldier Ghost

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This happened around 2009 when my family moved into this old house that was built in the 60s. It was a two-story house with 4 bedrooms, 2 on the 2nd floor where my room is and my little brother has also. The Master's bedroom is on the first floor and another room for my older brother. It has a basement as well which we rarely go to unless necessary.

It is always cold down in the basement even in summer and I always felt like there is someone downstairs with us that we don't see. I've always been sensitive to the energies around me. I don't know how to describe it but it's like tingling sensations you experience at the back of your head or sometimes on my arms depending on where that energy is concentrated from. With that sensation, I kind of feel some sort of weird emotions. That's why it's easy for me to tell if like I'm entering a house or place I get overwhelmed with strong emotions of sadness or hate I don't know it just comes naturally to me.

Now, whenever I go to this basement of ours I always feel like I get overwhelmed with sadness like you want to cry but you couldn't.

I shrugged it off as possibly my weird imagination or maybe I was just that sad that time even though I don't have a reason to be.

So a few nights living in that house something happened that kind of freaked me out. My room was on the 2nd floor and I remember that night I was sound asleep and then there was this overwhelming presence in my room that makes me think I wasn't alone. I woke up because I felt so uneasy like someone was trying to wake me up by just staring at me. I know it's weird but it's hard to explain. I just woke up because I felt I was being stared at with intense gaze, that's the best I could describe it.

My room was dark with slight dim light from my window coming from the street lights outside. When I was fully conscious I immediately looked at the middle of my bedroom and I saw this African American guy in a soldier's uniform. The uniform looks neat, there's no blood on it whatsoever. It's the same when you guys see on TVs when military guys go formal attire, it is like that. It was color green, neatly pressed with some medals or something on his chest I don't know.

Now by that time I knew already that what I was seeing is not a live person because how the heck will a military person standing in front of me in the middle of my room where no one ever broke in our house.

He was just standing there looking at me. It was unnerving but he seems like he wasn't bad. He was just there, staring.

So before I get even more scared, I offered a little prayer in my mind. I was like saying "uhm can you go now? I'm kind of scared." And I prayed the Lord's prayer. After a few moments of that, he just disappeared, vanished into thin air.

And that feeling I got, like the sadness and heavy emotions, it was also gone.

After that night I never felt anything odd in that house anymore. We lived there for almost 6 years.

By the way, my older brother who was deaf-mute told me in sign language that he always see a soldier coming out of a huge tree in our backyard. I don't know if that is the same person I saw but it shocked me because he described it as a soldier also. Weird I know.

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