Room 314

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I was dorming in Cervini Hall with three other girls - Michelle, Kat and a new girl who didn't really attend the university but was just their for summer classes and therefore I can't remember her name.

Michelle, Kat and I knew each other pretty well after having lived in the same dorm for the past few terms. But during the summers, we had to make do with living in the third floor of the boys dorm. This is how ended up in Room 314.

From, the beginning, there were some strange occurrences in Room 314. It was happenings like door locking themselves, hair standing on end in the middle of the night over nothing. One night, as I curled my hair, I could see NewGirl from her back in my mirror. A few moments on, I thought I heard her crying as well as reading a letter or something like that. The thought should I approach her and comfort her crossed my mind, but then I thought, I shouldn't be so nosy after all, I didn't know her at all. So that decided, I continued curling my hair and eventually got tired of doing so and started to straighten my hair again. She was still crying then. As I turned around to talk to Michelle, I suddenly glimpsed NewGirl sleeping on the bed next to Kat's. In the split second that I've seen her through my mirror crying and reading, there was no way that she could have gotten to the bed from the chair that fast. I suddenly realized that the person that I've been seeing in the mirror was not NewGirl. I glanced at Michelle and she told me, "I saw her too!" I jumped from my bed and Michelle and I ended up sleeping in the same bed that night.

When Kat saw us lying in the same bed the next day she asked what happened. And we told her. She said that NewGirl had gone to sleep the same time as her. I was curling my hair and seeing that girl in the mirror for a good 20 minutes. And all that time, it wasn't her.  

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