My First Paranormal Experience

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This story took place in Dubai, UAE. The exact location is in Al Safa 2 area that is next to an ancient graveyard that they attempted to dig up once. They stopped when spooky things started to happen and the workers refused to do the work.

I was in my mid-teens and I was absolutely skeptical about the paranormal around that time.

We were 3 kids at the time, and we had strict parents. My parents always made sure that we are asleep by 8pm and awake by 6am, bless their hearts. So I was not sleepy at all by the time that it was bedtime. I just wanted to read my Harry Potter book.

I lay down in bed, lights out, AC on, and bored to death. Still having my book on my mind, I decided to challenge any spirits around me to show itself and prove to me that they exist. The thing is, I set out the challenge non-verbally. I put out the challenge with my thoughts.

Immediately after I put out my challenge, I was pinned down in my bed, and my chest felt heavy, and my blanket was suddenly pulled off. I was spooked so bad that I passed out.

Next thing I know is my alarm going off at 6am, and the blanket still tossed away on the floor.

I knew that it wasn't a dream or a nightmare because the blanket was too far away from the bed to appear like I tossed it off me in my sleep.

The after math was still unpleasant as I now realise that I had accidentally invited something into our place. My brother was hearing knocks on his door but open it to find no one there. My mother would see an apparition of an odd woman walking and disappearing into a wall.

My mum then had the place exorcised.

Later through the years, I met a Wiccan witch in a university housing in London, and with that friendship came both pleasant and harrowing experiences, so I got to learn more about the entities around us and see how witches deal with them.

Four years later, I dove deep into Pranic Healing and have now come to know even more about them, and am more at peace with them.

So hopefully more stories of my experiences to come.

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