The Playful Orb

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I am writing this to you as I have been terrified of ghosts since the age of eight and I know ghosts are just dead people but I am truly scared and it all started in a hotel in Bulgaria. One day it was too warm to walk about so we stayed in our room for a while and cooled down when all of a sudden a big circle appeared from behind the wardrobe. I was very interested in all things paranormal so I knew instantly it could be an orb. My younger brother was sitting next to me and I said to him to look and he did and he walked up to it and touched it but nothing happened. I left it for a while but then it came back again and this is when it all happened.

I got my mum and she came in from the balcony but when she came in it zoomed behind the wardrobe and she said I was overreacting. I knew what I had seen then I checked in case a watch or a glass could have caused a reflection but there was nothing that could have caused it. It once again came out and my brother said "go in a circle" and it did! I then burst into tears and my mum ran in to see I was ok. IT WENT BEHIND AGAIN! And my mum sat with me for 5minutes waiting to see what I meant but nothing happened and she left and once again it came out again. My brother asked it many questions and it did them all but I cannot remember clearly but this is what creeped me out.

My brother grabbed a glass cup and placed it over the orb and he felt a strong force trying to push out of the glass. I grabbed the glass as it was so strong it could of smashed and the orb instantly went behind the wardrobe and I never saw it again, and no one believes me because I'm still just a stupid child and I know it wasn't bad I could just tell the orb wasn't evil or anything I think it just wanted help and could someone comment on ways to stop my phobia of paranormal things. Thank you

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