Dark Figure At Office Door

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It was just another ordinary day at work. I had just got promoted to a better job and I had a lot of freedom. I mean, all I do is watch a computer screen. I had just finished what little work I have to do for the day; life was great. It was just starting to get late and I sat back in my chair to relax. I work until 11pm and it was 8:10pm. I decided to do some paperwork to pass the time when I had a very uneasy feeling. At first, I just dismissed it as me being nervous, since I was the only one watching the place.

Then I started getting this feeling I was being watched. It was a strong feeling and I once again ignored it. I looked at the clock again 8:22pm. Then I noticed something weird out of the corner of my eye. Looking over towards the door there was a pitch black figure standing at the door. A sudden fear came over me. It was just standing there staring at me almost touching the door, but it didn't move. Where I work I have an office, then there's an open room that holds a boiler. The figure was standing outside my office door but inside the boiler room.

I was really nervous. It made me panic a bit I noticed it was pitch black and had no face, yet I felt like it was staring deep into my soul. I decided maybe it was just my imagination so I took out my phone and took a picture. The whole time I did this it didn't move once. That really freaked me out so I turned out the light inside the office. There was still some lights outside but I did this so it couldn't see me as well. When I turned it off I could still see it staring back at me. It didn't move once. I got so scared I was literally shaking. I then realized that turning the light out just made me feel more scared so I turned it back on and when I did the figure vanished.

I still have the picture as proof. It's creepy. I showed it to my fellow coworkers that come in before and after me. They said that they as well, feel like they are being watched often. They also said they have looked up and seen a dark figure dash by but never got a good look at what it was. And to make matters even worse I noticed it was wearing an odd jacket. The jacket was black as well but it could be made out as a jacket or hoodie.

A man had been killed by a forklift just weeks before, and after showing the picture around to my fellow coworkers, the ones that knew the guy really well would look at me with horror and say "That looks just likes Steve's jacket."

I wish I knew what this figure was and is it just a coincidence that there was a death here too?

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