Ghost Children

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So right now I live in Germany, it's really nice here, but I live in a really crowded town. My house was built in the 1700s and it's a beautiful house.

So on October 21, I was just sitting on my couch watching Netflix and it was very peaceful, nothing going on. So I went to get some water and when I went back to my living room my TV and Xbox turned off and it scared me. I thought it was just my brother but then I remembered that my brother wasn't home. Then I turned everything back on then I heard little girls laughing by my brother's toys which were in the back corner of the living room, so I went over there and no one was around (remember I was home alone) so I sat back down on the couch and turned on Netflix again. Then it all stopped and nothing happened for the rest of the night.

The next day October 22 I was getting ready for school, I heard my brother's toys go off again. This time my brother was asleep and my mom was getting ready for work upstairs. When I got downstairs my brother's alphabet toy was singing the alphabet and then I heard noises in my brother's room. When I got there he was still asleep.

I told my mom about all of this and she said it has happened to her too when no one was home because I was at school and my brother was at his babysitter's house.

When I left my house to go to the bus stop, I had my backpack and everything so at that point, my backpack was really heavy except for 2 textbooks. So I was walking across a bridge and my backpack was being pushed down or something because it was getting heavier and heavier. I quickly took off my bag and no one was there when I started walking again and my bag was getting heavier again so I picked up my bag and started to run. When I got to my bus stop, the strings that are on my bag were being pulled. I could tell by the way they were raised they were like being pulled from my side and getting pulled out and up.

After that day it kept happening to me. Then the next day October 23 the string thing happened again and then I heard little girls laughing behind me and I don't have little girls at my bus stop. So that kept happening to me and it's still happening today.

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