Black Lady

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Let me describe first the appearance of our house. It is between two large houses (ours is medium in size) and I think that is the reason why others think it's gloomy. The front of our house is a small space for our own front yard and wide front yard of our neighbor (we're in squatters area). It is a two story house, the door is facing the wall of our neighbor.

Here is my story:

Way back in November 2005, no classes because of sembreak, I was 14 years old that time. The 2nd floor of our house is newly built and we also have a new TV on that floor. It was 4:30 pm, my mom instructed me to get the clothes outside before going to the market. I do what she instructed and put the clothes on our cabinet upstairs.

After that, I sit in front of our new TV for a while to rest (the clothes are too heavy because I collected them all so I will not go outside again hehe). I do not know why but I stare unintentionally to our TV (it is turned off during that time). At first, there's nothing unusual, it's just my reflection and the wall at my back. Then suddenly something caught my eyes. I saw in the reflection on our TV that there is a floating black cloth beside me. I look around to look if there's something besides me but there's none. But when I look back, the floating cloth is there still beside me!

I focus my eyes on that object and I notice that it is in human form. It has arms and a head. The black cloth is its dress. It is somewhat like a back of a person. The next thing happened is the shock of my life. That thing suddenly turns around and her face revealed! She is a woman with long hair and has a bulge eyes! I really freaked out and run downstairs, get outside of the house. My sister, that is outside of our house ask me with a puzzled expression, "bakit?anong nangyari?" (why? What happened?). I don't want to scare her so I just said: "wala" (nothing). And I told her that we just wait for our mom outside of our house.

I'm 23 now but it still gives me goosebumps. That is my first encounter. I remember during that time the story of my mom. She told us that when we are young, there are things in our house become suddenly missing but after an hour of searching that object in the whole house, they will find it in the place where they first place it.

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