The Blue Woman In My Room

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Before I begin i'm going to input a little background about myself and the history of my house.

My house was a funeral parlor back in the late 1800s, it's right in front of an old Victorian cemetery. My room in particular has been a subject of many paranormal activities.

I move around so prior to my big move of approximately a year I had suffered from sleep paralysis continuously for over two weeks, that could've been due to my heavy use of smoking marijuana but there I also doubt that. Fast forward to my move to Ghana I also experienced sleep paralysis quite a bit, but anyway, once I came back from my year away and back to my old room I experienced sleep paralysis again and hence the story.

A little background information about me, I'm a Santeria practitioner among a believer in other spiritual faiths, in which I am also open to opinions from those of other faiths.

My story begins that night a few days into being back in my old house. I woke up in a state of paralysis followed by my spirit being thrown onto the floor and I got up and went back inside my body. As I'm still in paralysis, I see a blue hue of an outline that looks like a woman. Her features gradually became clear as she stood by my door with a warm smile. She didn't seem malevolent in anyway, but I wasn't sure if she had good intentions seeing as I was quite overwhelmed. She quickly came to me and wrapped me in a hug, but I got angry because I didn't understand why she was doing that? She seemed upset and disappeared. Shortly after I woke up.

Prior to this I always felt a female presence but I thought it was my grandmother as she'd died in that house, but this woman was clearly Caucasian and wore a Victorian slip dress that would've been used as pyjamas.

Let me know if anyone has some kind of explanation for why I was pushed out my body and this woman.

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