Witching Hour

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In my story where I encountered a Poltergeist, I spoke about a before and after-school club - how I encountered a lot there. This really sticks out in my head because I still can't even begin to understand what happened to this day.

Outside of the before and after-school club is a church and graveyard. There is a local legend a ghost of a witch lives in a shed in that graveyard. Near the shed is a century (at least!) old oak tree. That's where her remains were apparently buried. If you went walking around the tree 13 times chanting some stuff I don't recall and then knock on the door of the shed you summon the witch.

Being young, dumb kids, six of us did this. Afterwards, nothing happened so we got bored and went back inside and just told each other ghost stories.

That night, I had a vivid nightmare that the witch came to that after-school club and killed us. I woke up at 3:15 I think. The dream was strange because it was very graphic for an 8-year-old's nightmare.

I went to that before and after-school club the next morning and shared my dream with the group. 4 of them went pale and one started crying. She had told them the exact same dream that I had. Down to every detail - our dream was identical. I never went back to that shed ever and I refuse to go near that tree alone.

I'm not saying the silly little local legend is real and it could've been a very eerie coincidence (the people died in the same order in our dream - that's very strange). I've never shared a dream with anyone before and I have no clue how it happened or if there is something evil in those woods. Has anyone got any thoughts?

REAL GHOST STORIESOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora