Ghost On The Couch

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I recently moved from California to France for the second half of my junior year of high school. I'm staying with my dad's best friend from high school and her family (all who I've known since I was a baby).

I've been here for over two months now and I guess I've been putting off writing this story until now just because I've been procrastinating. This happened the first week (well technically the third week because I stayed in Corsica with my dad's family for two weeks before going to Paris to stay with his friend) I was at my dad's friend's house.

The first week I was here, I was on the computer talking to my best friend in Ireland (who's spending the second half of his junior year there too) at about 3 am because I was bored and was still on jet lag.

Earlier in the night, I made some pasta and eggs (German dish, comfort food, don't ask.) and I realized that I needed to put my plate away before it got any later so that I wouldn't wake anyone up. So I told my friend to hold on and walked with my plate down the hall towards the kitchen. Now, the thing you should know about the apartment is that there's a hallway right next to the kitchen / dining / family room in such a way that you can be standing in the hallway and see part of the kitchen without being seen from the kitchen.

As I was walking down the hallway I started getting this really weird feeling and right when I got to the end of the hallway (where I still can't be seen from the kitchen) I heard someone say (in French), "What are you doing?" But what was really weird was that they used the formal version instead of informal and that no one could've known I was there since I was making no noise and could not be seen. What was worse was that it didn't sound like any of the people that lived in the house. I knew for a fact that their daughter was asleep in her room (which is next to mine) because she had work the next day and that the husband was asleep too for the same reason. But sometimes my dad's friend, let's call her Liz, stays awake until really late watching TV on the couch, but the voice was not hers, and she definitely wouldn't have used formal French because she never had before with me.

Unfortunately, I decided to ignore it and keep walking when I heard the voice say again, "What are you doing?" I realized that the question was said in such a way that it's owner sounded defensive and a bit protective, but not threatening. When I turned the corner into the dark kitchen I saw a silhouette of someone sitting on the couch that I KNOW was not Liz, her husband, or their daughter. I stupidly kept walking through the room to the dishwasher where I put my plate away. As I walked back across the room I still saw the silhouette sitting there on the couch out of my peripheral vision since I was too sketched too actually look, but when I walked away from the room back into the hallway I could tell they were watching me, but I didn't look over my shoulder to see.

I ran back to my room, closed the door, and well, needless to say, I stayed on the computer talking with my friend for a long time instead of going to sleep. I was so hoping to have gotten away from ghosts and disembodied voices while I stayed here because I deal with it so much back home, but apparently, this is not something you can so easily get away from.

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