Pregnant Ghost

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This is a story I witnessed when I was 19 years old. It is about my cousin aunt who was pregnant at the time back in 2013. She was and still is a very religious person and used to visit numerous temples before marriage. Upon getting married and being 6 months pregnant she could not manage on her own and used to wait for her husband to be back from home in the evening after which she used to visit the temple.

One fateful evening, while her husband was out of town for 4 days, she decided to visit a nearby temple on her own in the evening having missed it for 2 consecutive days due to her husband's absence.

As usual, she gathered all the materials as offering like a coconut, flowers etc and stepped out of her place about 7 pm or so.

She made it to the temple and returned after a couple of hours.

However, immediately after she came home, she developed a high fever. Her mother in law who had arthritis was home and made a few calls to the Doctor and also my dad for help because we were very close to them.

The doctor visited and gave her some dosage dismissing it as viral fever.

However, about 7 pm every evening after that she kept developing a high fever. Her husband had returned from out of town got worried for her and also the unborn child.

He consulted with many doctors who could not diagnose anything.

One fine afternoon, when I was visiting her with my parents at their place felt so bad that she was now bedridden with her face drained off any light altogether. We were just about getting ready to have lunch with my mom having helped aunts mother in law to cook for about 6 of us.

We sat down for lunch with all vegetarian food and handed a plate to my aunt on the table near her bed. The most unbelievable thing happened then.

My aunt flung the plate filled with food right at us speaking in another voice asking for non-vegetarian food. We were all so shocked to see it. She was completely vegetarian and having never touched non-vegetarian food all her life.

That's when her mom in law understood what the problem was and the fact that she has been possessed. I did always have these kinds of things at the back of my mind, having experienced and heard minor paranormal incidents. However, this was nothing like I had ever witnessed.

I can still remember her angry alien voice that afternoon.

Her mom in law asked us to take her to a priest who she believed in. However, it turned out to be a challenge, since my aunt would not stop abusing and cursing for even touching her. She must have tackled 4 fully grown men and tired them out clawing them while abusing frantically. That was a sight one cannot easily erase from one's memory.

Finally, we called the priest home instead. Just as he entered the house, he winced his eyes upon seeing my aunt in such a state. He placed his hand on her head while she hissed and continued with the expletives. He asked her who she was and what she wanted. After opposing for a few moments she said she was a pregnant woman who used to visit that same temple every evening. One unfortunate evening, she was hit by a car right outside the temple street killing both her and the unborn child. She said that in a week's time, she would take my aunt's child for herself.

We all were very terrified to hear this and had no clue what could be done. The priest, on the other hand, was really calm and still had his palm on her head. All he did was tell her that what happened with her was very sad, and she would never be free if she brought harm to anyone else's child. He chanted a few mantras and ordered her to leave my aunt alone. He chanted some more mantras now bringing his hand on her forehead and whispered something in her ear. It felt as though my aunt was going through some unbearable pain. After a few moments, my aunt started sobbing profusely and fainted. Just as she fainted, we could feel a gust of wind escape through us and out of the door. The priest advised she was now free and to not worry anymore. My aunt's husband asked him about his fees. But, the priest declined and only asked a favor that they name the child ''X'' once it's born.

Everyone agreed to use a guy's name for the child while no one really knew if a guy or a girl would be born.

My aunt woke up the subsequent morning with the color back in her cheeks. She delivered a healthy baby boy (fatefully I guess) around 2.5 months later. They invited the priest over for his blessings. And all have been fine with them since.

Hope I was able to portray what it felt at the moment but I was truly shaken to experience a force which had so much power. Without a shred of doubt, I started believing in these forces. I still remember the priest saying that pregnant women should remain at home during evenings because there are entities which seem to be attracted to them at that hour. Now almost 14 years later I still remember the scene like it happened yesterday.

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