A Woman's Cry

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This happened in the late nineties, I remember I was around 18 years old and it happened during the night. The time was around 3:15 AM. I was playing a famous video game called The Need For Speed - the first one, and I was trying hard to make it on the last Alpine tracks, the snowy ones, when all of the sudden I heard a weird faint noise coming from what it seemed my computer..., it's hard to describe it but it was pretty noticeable, a bit annoying and repetitive, something like a digital glitch or a screeching fan perhaps, I thought.

First I paused the game, and then I turned off the speakers and I still heard it. Next, I turned off my pc, but the sound was still there, I even went for the switch on the back of the case, to make sure there was not something in the computer. And still, I heard it. It seemed it was coming behind the wall of my room on my right side, the wall where my computer case leaned on. Anyway, couldn't make out what it was but I decided to check it out.

I opened the door of my room look to my right, there is a door leading to a central room with stairs that go down to the left, and a room that leads to the terrace on the right. A pretty scary room, the scariest room in the whole house perhaps. At the time we used it as a depository, besides being the only way to reach the terrace, it was full of old stuff from my granddad, even his very personal wooden vault box. He was the one who, among other things built the house we live in. My house is like 100 years old. And we already had some unexplained phenomena happening at home previously.

I was about to reach the central room with the stairs and all I could see was darkness, but the noise got louder and clearer, just like it crossed dimensions. It started to resemble a woman's cry, a very desperate woman's cry. I heard the crying was coming from the depository but there was nobody and the crying was clearly coming from there. I remember I took a few steps towards that room. Each step made me realize, that turning back would be a better option. It was one of these moments when half of your mind tells you, look this is really happening! And your other half refuses to accept it. But the product of your whole thought process sums up to "oh shiat" and "better get to a safe place".

I took steps back to my bedroom and left the crying behind my back, opened the (wooden) door and still in disbelief, I leaned towards the door with my ear to hear what was going on to try to understand if maybe it could be my mother crying in the middle of the night, perhaps. The crying sound was similar to hers but in all honesty, almost all women sound alike when they are crying in such a desperate way.

As I said it was clearly a woman's cry a hopeless one, very loud and desperate, and I definitely I couldn't confirm or negate if it was my mom's, although she never did anything like that that I know of, and she never sleepwalked either.

Thing is, the crying started coming towards my bedroom door, I heard the crying get louder and louder until it felt 3 inches from my face; the craziest thing was that I didn't hear one footstep.

I was so frickin' scared, I just stood there paralyzed by fear and tormented by the thought if I should open the door or not. I was really paralyzed in my mind. On one side I desperately wanted to open it, but on the other side, I was deathly afraid.

I was afraid that it might try to consciously contact me or if I did anything at all the "entity" could react unpredictably, of course... I heard stories of possession before... Anyway, I decided not to communicate with whatever that was and I was standing there still torn between the thoughts of opening and not opening the door. It felt like the time was in slow motion, I guess the adrenaline surge I felt throughout my body was powerful. The war inside my mind was going on full steam, torn between curiosity and fear. But here I was, still paralyzed with fear, I remember that I remembered the phrase "curiosity killed the cat", lol. It was the fear of the unknown. I felt so insignificant and powerless.

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