Alone In The Office

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So here is my story... Just a simple experience that made me really felt sudden goosebumps.

It was Saturday, a half-day work at the school where I graduated. Since I am a new employee in the university library, I never experience any creepy situations. But I heard a lot of stories from my co-employees. They said that there are many entities living inside the library especially in our office. I wasn't that scared because I didn't experience it yet. But this time, I believed in their stories.

It was 9 in the morning when our director called to inform the librarians to check the new library for the elementary students. All librarians were assigned to go there. That time, our working students didn't attend their duty. So, for a while, I will be left inside the office. Alone. After the conversation with our director through phone, they said goodbye for a while to check the library at the gym. They will be back after an hour. I just said, "Okay".

After they left, I was still in the middle of work. I'm typing. While I'm doing that, I heard a not so loud bang. I just ignored it since I am busy typing. But 10 minutes after, I heard a very loud bang coming from the bookshelves in the acquisition section in our office. I was shocked and I really jumped from where I am seated. I checked the bookshelves if the books fell from its shelf. But I saw nothing. Goosebumps started to feel. My whole body is shaking. I don't know what to do.

I decided to play music on my computer as loud as I can. I am really that scared!

When the librarians came back, I told them what happened. They were laughing. But I am really serious about it. They told me, "Once you're alone inside the office, especially when everyone's not around except you, they are here." OMG! I can't believe their active during daytime. Especially when its quiet and you are all alone inside the office.

I can't really stay long whenever I am alone. But thanks to the music. LOL!

Sorry guys, but this story is true. I am not that good to tell stories like that since it is my first time.

I'll tell other stories next time. It was during my college days.

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