My Home Of Paranormal Activity

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hortly after turning in for the night, dog sleeping by the nightstand, I go through my email and check my online buying and selling sales. While doing so, the increased depth and volume of breathing from the dog got my attention. It was unusual. But I continued my business.

A few minutes later, again, I heard the breathing, it was getting louder... Or closer, or both.

Now it has my undivided attention. Why? Because I was hearing three breathing; me, the dog and something else.

The room is dark except for the light of my phone. The third breathing I hear is at the foot of my bed. It's a normal breathing rate. Not heavy, not deep. I look to the nightstand and my dog is sound asleep.

Now I ask myself if I'm dreaming or if this is really happening. So, I pinch, slap and punch myself. I'm not dreaming.

So, I hold my breath and count the number breathing again. I hear two. There should only be the dog breathing. I do it a second time with the same results. All the while whatever this is, it's going around the side of the bed, moving up the side, getting closer.

I look to the nightstand again to be sure it's not the dog. He's still sleeping.

Again, I pinch, slap and punch myself. It's not a dream.

Now I start talking to this Anomaly or Entity. Whatever it is. Under my breath, I tell it to shut up. The breathing continues. Talking to something you can't see or feel, yet sounds like a person. Under my breath, I tell it to shut up again. It continues. Try to imagine it.

Now it is standing at the side of my bed. I reach to feel if something is there. Nothing. I can't see it or feel it. My mind is racing.

I tell it to SHUT UP! Speaking louder. I'm asking myself "What more can I do?" I repeat speaking even louder, SHUUUTT UUUPPP! Still nothing.

Now the breathing is 12 inches from my ear. I still can't see or feel it.

Now I tell it to shut up same as the last time. This time adding profanity.

Well, it finally stopped.

What was it? Well, prior to this, there were things happening such things as doors closing, faucets turned on, cameras being bumped during filming and an astronomical number of orbs in the living room, most coming out of or going up the fireplace flue. Some have said this townhouse to be a portal. The most interesting are five phenomenons; 1) Granddaughter communicated with the spirit of a little girl; 2) My Ex-wife's grandmother was trying to communicate with me; 3) The Central Air was turned off on one of the hottest summer days; 4) The dog was growling and barking at something I couldn't see; and 5) a black mass.

I don't know whose or what spirit was next to me that night or what would have happened if I hadn't told it to shut up. Nothing happened after that that I'm aware of. I do know it was a phenomenal experience.

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