A Second Chance

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Jasmine's POV

I felt the tears well up in my eyes. I haven't seen him in years and here he was right in front of me. He was so beautiful and so innocent. I couldn't believe he was right here in my front of me. My son. I couldn't move. I stood there frozen but I was soon brought to my senses when I felt his little arms wrap around my legs so tightly. I pulled him away and his face showed some hurt but it was washed away when I went down to his level. He wrapped his arms around my neck and I felt his tears soaking into my shirt but I didn't care. This moment right here was why I kept going all this time. There was so many times I wanted to give up and just end all of the pain, guilt, and suffering but I played this exact moment in my mind and it made look forward to this moment. I hugged him back tightly and let tears of my own fall. 

"Elijah, please come here" I heard Harry say. Elijah let go of me and I suddenly felt so empty again. He walked back to Harry. Harry bent down and said to him that nobody else heard. Elijah ran back to his room and shut the door. 

"Scar, Joe, Can I have a minute alone with Jasmine please?" Harry asked. They nodded and walked somewhere when they were out of sight. Harry turned his attention back to me. He looked exactly like he did years ago. His hair was little bit longer but he was the same. Time did him well. We both didn't speak but I just couldn't take the silence so I decided to say something first.

"I know you probably hate me and I don't blame you but I'm so sorry Harry" I said. He scoffed.

"Sorry for what exactly. Are you sorry for breaking me heart or are you sorry for leaving me when I needed you the most. Are you sorry for abandoning your son? Which one are you sorry for exactly?" He asked. I sighed and looked down.

"For everything. I never meant to hurt any of you in the process but I didn't know what else to do. I brought so much pain to you and your family. I brought an innocent child into it. I would of have never forgiven myself if something happened to you or Elijah so I thought leaving you guys would be so much better. I didn't and don't deserve you." I said.

"You can stop giving me bullshit excuses Jasmine. I don't want to hear them. I couldn't give a fuck for the pain you caused me. I could handle it. I been through it. I gave you my heart and you destroyed it but you had no right to destroy the life of that boy. He did nothing wrong. Now you show up here and get his hopes up just so you leave again when you get scared." He said. 

"I know what I did to you was fucked up but I never meant to make you feel like i never loved you because I did. I loved you more than life. You may never believe that but I can sit here and try to convince you of that but that would be a battle I would never win. I'm not running again Harry not from him and not from you." I said. He laughed sarcastically. It hurt me.

"You don't know what it is to love someone Jasmine. You never loved me. You made yourself believe you did but we both know you didn't. That's the difference between me and you. Everybody said I wasn't capable of love but I am. It's you who isn't capable of loving someone because you're still wrapped up in the control of Brandon. He owns you and I don't want to be apart of that. As for Elijah, I'm not the type of person to deny a child to see his mother but I have to be around and it will have to be on my terms" He said. I sighed. I knew deserved everything he was saying to me but did he really need to make me feel worse than I already do. 

"Harry, you think whatever you want about me I could care less but I will not let you disrespect me." I said. He turned to look at me for the first time.

"My days off are Saturdays and Tuesdays. We can schedule time for to spend with Elijah those days. You can leave me your number and I'll speak with you then" He said. I half smiled.

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