Chapter ~ 1

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Peter's POV

I wandered through the busy, crowded corridors of school with my head down to avoid people like Flash. I made it to my locker and I opened it with a sigh and started to pull out my books for the next period, Ned came running up and lent on the locker next to mine.

"The ferry thing is all over the news! I'm surprised you even made it out of there alive Peter if Iron Man didn't show up then you would've died!" he exclaimed.

"I know Ned, you don't need to remind me," I snapped.

He frowned and I sighed again slamming my locker door shut, I walked back down the crowded corridors and Ned hesitantly followed me keeping his mouth shut.

I sat in the back of the science lab with my head resting on my hand fighting sleep as I listened to the teacher drone on about something that I already knew. I wasn't doing anything, I wasn't working on my web formula anymore since there was no point. Unfortunately, Ned noticed this and kept nudging me but I refused to look at him. 

"Peter, what's going on?" he whispered.

"Nothing," I mumbled back.

He frowned again and everyone started talking loudly as they got out there books to copy some things down from the board.

"Why aren't you making your web formula?" asked Ned.

"I don't need to anymore," I replied.

He opened his mouth to say something but I promised him I'd tell him later and he closed his mouth and stayed silent for the rest of the period.

At lunch, I was jumping down the stairs when I collided with someone, my spider senses helped me grab the persons wrists and stop them from falling over.

"I'm sorry I didn't see you," I apologised.

"It's fine it was my fault," she said picking her bag up from the floor.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine thanks to your fast reflexes,"

  "Penis why are you talking to her?" asked Flash coming up the stairs.

"Because it's a free country," I replied rolling my eyes.

"We just crashed into each other Flash, it's no big deal," argued the girl.

"You better watch where you're going Penis or I will personally pay you a visit," threatened Flash.

"What is it to you?" I asked.

"She's my cousin, come anywhere near me and I'll kill you," he hissed.

I rolled my eyes shaking my head and I went to walk past Flash but he grabbed my shoulder, his nails were piercing into my shoulder.

"Flash stop it!" shouted the girl.

"Where are you going?" he spat.

"Anywhere that your not," I replied.

The girl stepped in-between us prying Flash's hand off my shoulder with difficulty. She made Flash step away from me and she gave me a sympathetic smile but I was pissed with everything going on.

"I'm sorry, I'm Hannah but most people call me Hallie, I just moved here," she introduced herself.

"I'm Peter," I replied shortly, "I gotta go, sorry,"

"Okay I'll see you around," she said.

I turned away and ran down the stairs and all the way to the science lab where Ned was waiting and I told him everything that happened at the ferry and how I lost my suit and Ned was sympathetic but I brushed it off and we both got to work on the project we were working on together in our free time.

"You know, you don't need Mr Stark to be Spider-Man. Before Mr Stark came into your life you were just doing it because you wanted to protect people," suggested Ned.

"I don't have a suit and I'm not wearing that hoodie that I first used," I argued.

"You don't need Mr Stark for the suit! Your the smartest person I know Peter and you could make your own suit!" he urged.

"I can't get the fabric that he used! It was bulletproof, waterproof and by just pressed a button it would tighten around me, there's no way I can make that!" 

"C 'mon Peter, New York needs you, think about your Uncle, you promised him that you'd look after New York because you didn't want anyone to lose anyone as you lost him," he said.

 The bell rang and Ned left me with my thoughts as I slowly put everything away, I pulled out my phone and went into the bathroom putting my phone up to my ear.

"Hello?" said the familiar voice.

"Hey Shuri," I responded.

"Peter! How's everything going? I heard about that stuff on the news and T'Challa told me that Tony took your suit away," she replied quickly.

"Uh yeah, that's why I'm calling, is there any chance I can get my hands on the fabric that Mr Stark used for my suit?" I asked her, "I have money,"

"Oh my gosh!" she squealed, "I've literally been waiting for this day!"

"Uh, you have?" I replied confused.

"We've been friends ever since the Civil War between Cap and Tony and after we started talking for a bit I designed a suit for you. Tony's suit that he made for you is okay but Wakanda has so much more tech and cooler stuff so I made a suit in case you needed one," she explained, "I know this is all very cliche and stuff but I can send it to you if you want,"

"Really? Are you sure it's okay with your brother?" I asked.

"Yeah it's fine," she replied.

"Thank you so much, Shuri, if you ever need something just call me okay? You are literally a life saver!" I gushed.

She laughed on the other end and I blushed a bit because I sounded so desperate but Ned was right, Mr Stark could take away my suit but he couldn't take away Spider-Man, because New York needs him. 

Hey Guys!

This is the first Chapter and I really hope you like it so far, just so you know some of the events will be switched around from the movie Spider-Man Homecoming. Tom Holland is playing Peter Parker/ Spiderman and you can make Hallie look however you want her to look because I feel like it's better if you guys can imagine that stuff. Anyway, thank you for reading!

P.S Sorry for the spelling mistakes, I don't really like editing my work that much

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