Chapter ~ 48

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Peter's POV 

It was dark outside and the rain lashed against the building as I sat on my bed studying for the rest of my exams. I heard my phone buzz repeatedly and I tried to continue studying but I picked up my phone and saw that it was an unknown caller who was trying to call me. 

I ignored it and went back to studying when the person called again, I sighed and picked up the phone but my heart immediately dropped when I heard a woman crying on the other end.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hello, is this Peter Parker?" the woman sniffed.

"Yes, is everything alright mam?"

"I'm Hallie's mum and I have some terrible news," 

My heart started thudding faster and louder in my ears, I swallowed and took a deep breath.

"Is she alright?" I asked fearfully.

"No, she never told anyone about this and I know it's going to come as I big shock," began Hallie's mum. She took a shaky breath and nervousness was rising up in my chest.

"Hallie has a heart condition, we moved here because there was better treatment for her here. But, this morning when I went into her room, she wasn't breathing,"

I felt the emotion rise up in my chest and the shock, no, this couldn't be true, I saw Hallie last night and I talked to her. She would've told me about her heart condition if she had one, right?

"I'm sorry Peter, Hallie told me all about you and I warned her not to get to close to anyone, but, she's gone." 

Hallie's mum started sobbing and I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

"Thank you for telling me, I am terribly sorry for your loss, if there's anything you want me to do then I'll be happy to help. You can call me anytime," I said.

"Thank you," 

I hung up and I let the phone fall out of my hand and onto the bed where all my study books lay. I stood up and ran my hands through my hair. 

Why did she have to leave? I've lost everyone and she's been there through all of that, I can't do this, I can't deal with all this pressure and stress. What's the point of caring for everyone if you're just going to lose them?

My eyes started to water and I wanted to scream, shout and destroy everything. I felt the sobs rise up in my throat but I swallowed and closed my eyes as a few tears leaked down my face.

"FRIDAY can you please engage the soundproof walls?" I asked. 

"Of course, soundproof walls are now engaged," she replied.

I didn't hold back, I let the screams, cries and sobs tear out from my throat. I was angry at the world, there were 7 billion other people that could've died but the world chose her. I kicked my shelf and it crashed to the ground spilling its contents everywhere, the mirror fell to the ground and shattered making my ears ring. I pushed everything off my desk and onto the floor and I fell against the wall and slid to the ground in shock. 

Why did the universe hate me? 

I took a few shaky gasps and grabbed a tissue to wipe away my tears and blow my nose. I saw my family photo lying amongst the mess and glass shatters, I reached out for it and pulled it out from underneath some glass. I looked at the happy frozen faces of my parents and my Aunt and Uncle, it's crazy that one day you can be on this earth and the next day you're gone. The last thing she ever said to me was 'bye' but I didn't realise that it would be forever.

"You seem to be in deep distress, would you like me to contact Mr Stark?" asked FRIDAY.

"No, please don't," I sniffed.

FRIDAY stayed silent and after a couple of minutes, I managed to get up off the floor and sit on my bed where I silently cried for the whole night until I couldn't cry anymore. Where was Hallie now? Was her life just over and done with? Or was she in heaven with her grandparents? She could be anywhere right now, anywhere, but here...

Sorry for the short chapter and sorry it took me so long to upload. School started back up again and I haven't had much time to write since I've been so tired. This book is starting to come to a close so there might only be 7 chapters left or something like that. I'll be doing a massive shoutout at the end for everyone who voted so make sure you vote and comment!

Thanks for the love and support guys and I'll try and post the next chapter ASAP. <3

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