Chapter ~ 23

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Peter's POV

I woke to the sound of a shrill alarm going off, at first I thought it was my alarm but when I looked at the clock it read 3:00 am. As my senses began to turn on a bit more I noticed the alarm was a lot louder. I jumped out of my bed and wrenched open the door. My web shooters wrapped around my wrists and when I made it into the main room everyone was crowded around the multiple computer screens.

"HYDRA is carrying out their plan that you saw that day in the warehouse," said Fury, "You and Beck have to go, now,"

I nodded and sprinted back into the corridor, I almost missed Beck's room and I grabbed onto his handle at the last second and sort of slipped. I pushed myself back up and opened the door.

"Beck! C' mon HYDRA is doing that helicopter thing that we saw in the warehouse, we have to go now!" I shouted.

He looked at me with his eyes barely open and his hair was sticking up.

"Wass goin on?" he mumbled.

"Hurry up!" I shouted throwing something at him.

I left his room and changed into my black suit, I grabbed my mask putting it on and quickly added more web fluid into my web shooters so they were full. I ran out of my room and almost collided with Beck who was leaving his room.

"What did you say before, who is doing what?" he asked.

"HYDRA, helicopter plan thing, we gotta go!" I shouted back as I ran down the hallway.

"Parker!" shouted Fury.

I skidded to a stop halfway to the door and turned back around. I saw an agent quickly explaining everything to Beck properly behind Fury.

"Yes?" I replied.

"Make sure to work together and trust each other okay? I don't mind if you have to crash those helicopters into the street, just make sure they don't reach their destination," he warned.

"Yep, I got it," 

"Let's go!" called Beck.

I turned on my com and we ran out of the sewer and Fury was already telling us where the helicopters were heading so we could intercept them.

"They should arrive near the Brooklyn Bridge in about 3 minutes," he told us.

"Race you there!" I called as I shot a web onto the nearest building.

"I'm winning this one!" shouted Beck.

I shot through the city going as fast as I could, everything was passing by in a blur and when I heard the sound of helicopters approaching I looked up, they were already halfway past the Brooklyn Bridge at that was my best chance at getting on the helicopter since the bridge was pretty tall. My arms were getting tired but I went even faster and once I reached the bridge I let myself fall, at the last second I shot a web up onto the top of the bridge's rails and did a massive swing. I shot up into the air and luckily my timing was pretty good, I stuck to the bottom of the helicopter and I was kind of shocked. I actually made it onto the helicopter, but Beck wasn't here

"Good job Parker, Beck is coming, you can take them by yourself for now," said Fury through the intercom.

I took a deep breath and crawled around to the open side door, I jumped into the helicopter kicking two guys. They both fell out of the helicopter and usually, I would've felt bad but I was working for SHIELD now and Fury told me not to feel bad for these mother f*ckers since they wouldn't hesitate to kill me.

"Hey guys, mind if I crash on your party?" I said.

Some of them pulled out guns but I easily disarmed them and dodged some bullets, some of their bullets hit their own teammates which I thought was pretty funny. There were about three people left in the helicopter and I had disarmed them all, I was doing hand to hand combat with them. Well, that was until some guy decided to pull out a knife.

"Hey woah man what are you doing?" I asked jokingly to distract them, "Knives are completely against the rules!"

I elbowed the guy in the face and he dropped his knife, I threw him at the other guy knocking both of them out of the plane. Suddenly, I heard the dreaded sound of the Iron Man thrusters and that caught me off guard. The last guy shoved me hard and I was balancing on the edge of the helicopter trying desperately to stay on.

"I got you," said Beck through the intercom.

I flipped back kicking the guy in the face and fell through the air a green shield appeared and I landed in the 'spidey pose' I ran on the green platform and leapt off it. Beck came flying past and grabbed my wrist pulling me after the two helicopters.

"I'll bring this one to the ground and join you in the other one later," he said.

I opened my mouth to argue but he already threw me as hard as he could towards the helicopter that was the furthest away. I shot a web and managed to swing up onto the helicopter knocking a few of them, these guys were a lot stronger than the other guys. I managed to knock a few of them out of the helicopter but I couldn't focus, I could still hear the Iron Man thrusters in the background and that was distracting me.

"Some people have decided to try and help you but ignore them, just focus on the mission, try and crash the helicopter into the big open fields that are coming up, we're coming in vans and stuff to take away any of the surviving HYDRA men," explained Fury.

"Okay," I replied, "Beck where are you?"

"I'm literally about to enter the helicopter that you're in," came his voice.

A few seconds later he landed inside the helicopter and shoving three men out of it, we tried our best to fight the other guys but unfortunately, some genius decided to close the helicopter doors so we were trapped in here.

"Cover me," I told Beck

I flipped over all the agents in the cramp small space and I grabbed the pilot and yanked him out of his seat. He punched me in the face and pulled a metal spear literally out of nowhere, I dodged it and grabbed onto it. It was a double sided spear so we were both trying to stab each other with one end, suddenly, the guy kicked me down and I landed painfully on the control headboard. He went to stab me with the spear but I rolled out of the way just in time and he stabbed the control panel and the helicopter jerked forward. Unfortunately for him, his head went flying into the other side of the spear and well... that was the end of him. 

A fire erupted from the control panel and that worried me, I scooted over to the controls and desperately tried to turn the helicopter towards the field. I could feel the hot fire as it spread closer to me and I tried to move further away from it.

"Peter! We are heading straight for the ground!" shouted Beck.

"I know I'm working on it!" I shouted back.

I pulled the controls upwards but I used too much force and they snapped off, I threw them aside mentally cursing myself and looked for the button to open the doors.

"Peter!" shouted Beck.

I was frantically pressing every button until finally, I pushed the right one, the doors opened and air rushed in fueling the fire, even more, making it spread closer to me.

"Go!" I shouted to Beck.

Suddenly the doors closed again and I tried pressing the same button but the fire had already destroyed it. 

I looked back at the ground was close, I closed my eyes and covered my head as it hit the ground.






Then, nothing...

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