Chapter ~ 4

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Peter's POV

Friday wasn't a good day for me, students were all whispering around the school about Hallie taking after Flash and many students asked me what happened but I ignored them. Unfortunately, Hallie and I were paired up for English for our assignment this term and we were forced to talk to each other. It was extremely awkward and we barely got anything done and the teacher said we had to choose a book together and read it by the next lesson on Wednesday and we had nothing done so far.

At the cafeteria, I was sitting with Ned and MJ when Hallie came over to me.

"Hey, look I just want to say I'm sorry about yesterday, I didn't mean to come off rude," she apologised.

"It's fine, plus I was acting like a huge jerk and I was being really stubborn," I replied.

"So, are we good?" she asked.

I nodded and she flashed me a quick smile and I smiled back awkwardly.

"So, are you busy on the weekend because we should probably meet up at the library to get some work done," she pointed out.

"Y-yeah, I'm free Sunday afternoon I think," I replied.

We exchanged numbers and then she left after saying a quick hello to Ned and MJ since they were on the decathlon team with us. 

I shoved opened the apartment backs hauling the heavy shopping bags and my school bag inside, nearly tripping over a box that was outside our apartment. I set down the bags and carried the box inside placing it on the counter while slamming the door shut with my foot. I sighed collapsing onto a bench stool, all the boxes were gone since May sent them off in the post office. I put the money on the counter back in May's room and unpacked the groceries, my stomach growled but I ignored it, May needed the food as much as I did so I would only eat when she did.

I grabbed the large box that I placed on the counter and I cut it open with my keys, there was a letter inside and I immediately recognised the cursive handwriting.

Dear Peter,

Here's the suit I promised you, don't worry, I wanted to do this for you after you gave me some advice with Rowan. You're my best friend Peter and I know that you'll feel bad about this but trust me, T'challa was more than happy to let me design a suit for you. I hope things are okay over there and stay safe in New York.

Love, Shuri.

P.S I kept Karen int he suit and most of the things are the same as your old one but there are a bunch of new features.

I pulled out the loose suit and I knew that I had to press the spider in the middle for it to tighten like my old one. The design was completely different and there was black instead of the blue that was usually on the sides.

 The design was completely different and there was black instead of the blue that was usually on the sides

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(Imagine the web shooters are black instead of red)

Excitement took over and I left a note for May in case she got home before me, I pulled on the suit and pressed the spider symbol in the middle and it tightened around me. I pulled on the mask and climbed out the window, I jumped letting myself fall for a bit before shooting a web onto a building letting myself swing upwards. The wind rushed past me and I let go of the web flipping a few times before catching myself with another web, citizens below shouted and celebrated that Spider-Man was back on the streets. A smile spread across my face and I after a few minutes of swinging around I started to look for any signs of robberies, usually, I'd be complaining that everything was too easy but now I didn't have anyone to impress. I was always trying to impress Mr Stark so I could become an Avenger but now it seemed like he didn't want anything to do with me so I could just do it to help New York.

I returned around midnight and May wasn't home yet, I started to place all the thing I could sell into a massive box and when I finished it was around 3 in the morning, my room felt so bare and clean, I got rid of the shelves and table in my room and my desk was clean and neat since it only had my school books, computer, lamp and pen holder. I cleaned out all the drawers and my closet putting all my old clothes and junk into the box, I took individual pictures of everything putting them up on eBay so hopefully, someone could buy them. Before Mr Stark would help every so often but we were doing fine then but right after I lost the internship May's work had some problems and they weren't paying anyone even half of what they used to get so we were struggling. 

When May finally arrived home I made her a sandwich and lied to her saying that I already had something. She sighed and argued when she found out that I used my school money for groceries instead of her money but I argued back and she finally caved in thanking me. 

The next morning I woke up around 11:00 pm, I went out into the living room, all the boxes that were full of the stuff I was selling were gone and I note was on the coffee table telling me that someone had bought all the stuff and she sent it to the post office and she was working late. 

I sighed and after I brushed my teeth I pulled on my Spider-Man suit climbing out the window. I was all over the news last night and Mr Stark was always watching the news so if he saw me then he obviously didn't care, and that made me feel more alone than ever. 

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