Chapter 51

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Hey's Guys,

Because I can't make up my mind I decided to change around everyone's ages again. 

Peter: 17

Harley: 16

Morgan: 7

Olivia (new baby): 4

1 year later

Peter's POV

They say if you love someone then let them go, and I finally kind of understand what it means. There is a new threat, Venom, and I stuffed things up by interfering with one of there plans, the evil creature is starting to lose control and soon enough it is going to be infecting everyone in California and then the rest of America. But the person knows that Tony Stark is my adoptive dad, he also knows that I have a brother and two sisters and he threatens to infect them. I denied knowing them and he half believed me. MJ told me that I should cut off all contact and communication with my family so no one would know we were related and then no one could use them against me, it was hard but that's what I did. I told Tony I didn't want to talk to him again and then I hung up, I've ignored everyone's calls and it pained me. They took me in and gave me a family and I hated doing this to them but I knew it wasn't going to be easy.

Morgan and Olivia had to live there full lives and by having a superhero in the house wouldn't make things easy. Their dad was Tony Stark so things were already hard enough for them. Eventually, they stopped calling but sent a text every once in a while which I ignored. 

I swung through the busy streets which had now become familiar to me, California wasn't so bad but it was a fairly bright place with lots of sunlight so obviously, people could see me more often during the day. But right now, it was night, I had done my daily patrol and I jumped through the window and into the dorm room that I shared with Ned. He didn't even look up from his computer game, I pulled off my mask chucking it onto my bed and I pulled up my phone and my heart stopped when I saw a text from Tony.

I know something happened between us but Morgan was taken by someone, I don't know who he is but he said that he knew you. I think he went back to California and I need you to find Morgan, please. Crap I don't even know if you're even alive but I need you to do this.

I love you.


I chucked my phone down and pulled my mask back on and shouted something to Ned, I jumped out of the window and swung out of the University.

"Karen locate Morgan or Venom," I said.

There was a silence and a few seconds later a map appeared on my screen in front of my eyes.

"Location detected for Morgan Stark," Karen stated.

I quickly followed the map and came to an old house, I entered quietly and I heard Eddie Brock's voice coming from the next room.

"You'll make quite the experiment," 

I kicked down the door and webbed him to the wall, I grabbed Morgan's hand and I noticed black spit running down her chin.

"I've already done the process," he laughed.

Suddenly black spit drooled down his chin and his eyes turned black, I pushed Morgan behind me as Eddie turned into Venom. He lunged at me and I managed to kick him back, I shot webs at him and I managed to shoot one in his eyes, I grabbed Morgan and ran out of the room but he blindly lunged forward and his claws dug into my shoulder. I bit my lip and gasped from the pain but I kicked his hand away and ran out of my house holding Morgan. 

Taking a plane was a long process and there was no other way to get back to New York in time unless I swung all the way there. I made up my mind and while I was holding Morgan tightly in one hand I started swinging out of California.

I was swinging for 48 hours and it was now midnight when I finally arrived in the familiar streets of New York.

"Karen, call Harley Keener," I said.

The ringing tone appeared and after a few seconds, he answered.

"Hey Harley, it's me, no time to explain, I have Morgan who else is home?" I asked.

"I uh, it's just me, Tony and Pepper went to the police station to see where Morgan is and they took Olivia with them," Harley explained.

"Damn, okay do you remember my old lab? I want you to ask FRIDAY to place it in lockdown mode with voice activation and place a large jar with a lid in there for me, please do it quickly," I said.

"I-I o-okay," he stammered.

I heard my grab the jar and ask FRIDAY to do what I said.

"What's going on Peter?" he asked.

"No time to explain, I'm coming in through the living room window in a few seconds," I replied hanging up. 

The Avenger's Base was coming closer and I saw the open living room window coming closer, I swung off the last light post and shot into the living room by the open window.

"Morgan!" Harley yelled.

"Don't touch her," I warned, "Call Tony and tell him about Morgan's situation, don't come into the lab after me and don't you dare open it unless I tell you to,"

I held Morgan closer to me as I ran down into the lab and opened it with voice activation.

"FRIDAY lockdown my lab," I said.

"Done," came her robotic voice.

I laid Morgan down on the table and she was extremely pale.

"Karen get the antidote needle," I told my AI.

"On it," came her voice.

A few seconds a sharp point appeared on one of my fingers from my suit, I pressed it into Morgan's arm and the antidote drained into her body. I grabbed the glass jar and a few seconds later Morgan threw up a large black blob onto the ground, it thrashed around on the floor wildly and I closed the jar around it quickly and screwed the lid on tightly. 

"Peter?" came Morgan's weak voice.

I placed the jar on the bench and ran over to Morgan pulling my mask off.

"Hey, Morg, how are you feeling?" I asked brushing her hair out of her face.

"Not good," she replied.

"I know," I sighed.

I picked her up bridal style and carried her out of my lab and into the living room where Harley was anxiously waiting. He ran over when I came in and I laid Morgan down on the couch, I put a bottle of antidote on the coffee table.

"Make sure she takes a tablespoon of the antidote every day for a week," I said.

"Where are you going?" he asked.

"I have to get out of here," 

"Why? We haven't heard from you in months ever since you randomly told dad that you didn't want to be apart of this family! What is going on Peter!" Harley demanded.

"I have to stay away from you!" I shouted, "Because if I don't then things like this happen, you guys will get hurt and you'll die just like everyone else!"

There was a silence and Harley was about the say something when I heard Tony's voice from downstairs.

"I gotta go, make sure Morgan takes her medicine and NO ONE can touch the jar in my lab, I'm a call away if something goes wrong," I explained to Harley quickly.

The door opened and I quickly jumped out of the window and swung away from the Avengers Base. I could hear Tony yelling out my name from the window but I took a deep breath and forced myself not to look back.

A/N  I just want to say that I've never seen the Venom movie so this description is not accurate it's just something I've made up so sorry about that. 

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