Chapter ~ 28

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Peter's POV

I sent the screenshotted photos to Hallie and I crushed Beck's phone with my super strength and threw it into the river. Hallie was in London visiting her dad for a while since her mum was always working, I crashed into her at the airport and I looked really worried and confused so she invited me back to her place where I explained everything to her. 

"Okay um I better get going," I said.

"Wait! Where are you going?" she asked.

"I need to break into a museum since one of Mr Stark's jets are in there and I need to make a new suit since Beck can probably track this one," 

"I'm coming with you, I'm here to help you, Peter,"

"I really appreciate everything you're doing for me but you're already in danger since I sent the screenshotted texts to you and I don't know if Beck knows or not," I rambled, "And I can't let you get hurt,"

"Peter, you need to stop pushing me away, I'll be fine, okay? I'm going to help you," she replied stubbornly.

"Okay fine let's go while it's still dark," 

She climbed onto my back and I pulled my black mask over my head and swung through London. The icy wind whipped past us and I felt Hallie bury her face into my neck to avoid the cold night air. 

"Do you know where the museum is?" I shouted over the roar of the wind.

"It's to your right!" she screamed.

I quickly shot a web onto the pole and made a hard right, I flung myself towards the roof of the museum and Hallie screamed at the sudden jolt. She shakily climbed off my back and I ran over to the nearest window on the roof and she stumbled over to me. I pulled open the window and my spider senses were telling me that there was no threat nearby, Hallie climbed onto my back again and I jumped down and quietly shot my web onto the ceiling. I lowered myself to the ground where Mr Stark's jet was on display, we landed on the ground and Hallie got off my back and tiptoed over to the jet. I ran after her since the soles of my suit were soundproof, I jumped over the rope and ran up the stairs and into the jet and Hallie followed. I closed the door behind us and went into the back bit of the room where all the suit making stuff was.

"Do you even know how to make a suit?" asked Hallie.

"I am offended," I joked.

She rolled her eyes and I brought up everything Mr Stark had on Spider-Man. I started working on the web shooters and since I didn't have much time I just made the normal web formula and the taser webs. I made sure the web shooters could hold more web fluid and then I designed the suit and mask making sure it was a little bit bulletproof since I still wanted to make the suit flexible enough. 

"Why don't you just call Tony and tell him what's going on, I'm sure he can help you," said Hallie.

"No, there's no way I'm calling him," I argued, "I told him I didn't want to talk to him so I can't ask for his help now, don't you dare text him either, his number is only in your phone for emergencies,"

"What type of emergency?" 

"Like if I die and someone needs to stop Beck, plus, Beck wants to lure all the Avengers here to kill them because he wants to be the only hero in the world or something like that," 

"So his powers and everything he has done is all fake?" she asked.

"Yup," I replied.

The machines started to do there work and make the suit and I leant against the bench and sighed. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and I pulled it out.

I know where you are Peter and I am coming

My heart stopped, Beck was coming to London and I knew he wouldn't arrive until morning but I was still worried about Hallie.

"Beck is on the way to London right now," I told her.

"Holy crap, what do you want me to do when he does come?" she asked.

"After I distract him, send all those screenshotted messages to Nick Fury, I put his contact in your phone already. Make sure none of them come to London since Beck wants to kill them okay?" 

She nodded and the machine behind me beeped letting me know that my suit was finished. I pulled it out of the machine and held it up. It was the same design as the one Mr Stark designed for me but instead of the blue bits it was black and Karen wasn't in this one and the web shooters were completely different.

I pressed the button in the middle of my black Spider-Man suit and it fell to the ground, I pulled on my new suit and pressed the Spider symbol in the middle, it tightened around me and I pulled on my mask. 

"Okay let's go," 

She climbed onto my back and I shoved my black Spider-Man suit into the corner and jumped out of the museum through the window that we came in. 

"What are we going to do now?" asked Hallie.

"I'm going to try and lure Beck away from the bridge first and I want you to find a safe place to hide okay?"

She nodded and she held on tightly as I swung her back to her apartment, the sun was already rising and I knew we didn't have long. 

"Tell Fury that I have a comm in my new suit that he can access okay?" I said.


I held my mask in my hands and then went to climb out of her window.

"Peter!" she called.

I turned around and she kissed me, I leant into it and when we pulled apart I was partly shocked since I didn't think she'd want to give our relationship another shot.

"Stay safe okay?" she whispered.

"I think I should be saying that to you," I replied.

She smiled and I pulled my mask on and fell out her window, I shot a web up onto her building and swung all the way to the airport. I knew he was tracking my phone so I went to an abandoned warehouse and hid my phone around the corner of a pole, I hid up in the corner and waited for him to arrive.

I saw him walk into the building in his suit and his fishbowl helmet disappeared, he was looking at a tracker on his forearm and was expecting me to be hiding behind the pole. He was almost to the pole where my phone was and that's when I swung down and went to punch him in the face but to my horror, my hand went right through his face and he glitched. I looked around and Beck's laugh echoed around the place.

"So gullible Peter," he laughed.

Suddenly the warehouse around me disappeared and it was all black, green fog was rising up out of the ground and the roof started to cave in... 

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