Chapter ~ 17

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Hallie's POV

1 month later

Peter has been really distant and never spent time with me anymore, I knew he had his Spider-Man stuff but usually, he'd drop by at my place or make time for us to spend together but now he keeps telling me he's busy and doesn't even bother to make any time. At school, he's always distracted and never talks to me but he still talks to Ned and MJ like normal and so I've decided to confront him about it.

I walked through the crowded halls towards Peter's locker, I saw him shoving his books into his bag for his next subject and I took a deep breath and walked up to him. 

"Hey Peter," I began nervously.

"Hey what's up?" he asked.

"I need to talk to you about something important,"

He paused and then looked at me with a frown.


He closed his locker door and slung his bag over his shoulder.

"I'm listening," he added.

"What's going on with you? I've noticed you've been avoiding me but acting fine with Ned and MJ and we never hang out or talk anymore and in case you forgot I am your girlfriend," I explained.

He sighed leaning against his locker door, refusing to meet my eyes.

"A lot of stuff has come up, May's in hospital and I've joined a new group and he expects a lot from me," he sighed.

"Why didn't you tell me? You used to tell me everything Peter and now you barely even say hello to me when we walk past," 

Peter didn't respond and I sighed and ran a hand through my hair.

"Look, things aren't looking like they're going to work out between us, so, I think we should take a break," I choked out.

Tears were welling up in my eyes and Peter didn't even react and for a second I thought he didn't hear me.

"Yeah, I think you're right," he said finally.

There was no emotion on his face and no trace of tears or anything and that made me even sadder.

"D-do you think we c-can still b-b-be friends?" I sobbed.

"I don't think so, I'm sorry, I hope you find someone that treats you better," he replied.

I noticed a bit of iciness in his voice and when I looked into his eyes they seemed to bare a lot of pain and sadness in them but there were no tears for me or any sign of emotion. He pulled his bag further up his shoulder and walked past me and disappeared in the busy crowd of students, I leant against and his locker and put my hands up to my eyes and cried. I didn't care that there were hundreds of people in this corridor right now. What had happened to Peter? He hasn't told me anything about Spider-Man for the past month at least and within the last two weeks, he hasn't talked to me and then showed no emotion when I broke up with him. 

"Hallie! What's wrong? Who hurt you? Why are you crying?" demanded Flash.

"Go away Flash!" I sobbed.

"It was Parker, wasn't it? I swear I'm going to kill him," he hissed.

"No, don't Flash! I was the one that broke up with him," I argued.

"No, he hurt you the little shit, you deserve better than his weak ass and don't worry, I'm going to show him how little he means," 

"No! Don't! You'll get expelled!" I shouted.

People walked past gave us strange looks and some of the kids in my year level were watching from a distance and whispering behind their hands.

"Too bad," he muttered.

"What is going on here!" demanded a teacher looking between Flash and I.

"Oh, it's nothing, Miss, today is just the death anniversary of someone in our family," he lied.

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't know, do you want to come to my office Miss Mckinnon?" she asked.

"No I'm fine thanks," I sniffed wiping away my tears.

She gave a sympathetic smile and when the bell rang I picked up the bag I had dropped and quickly walked towards my next class, unfortunately, Peter was in this class and we had set seats next to each other.

But, Peter didn't appear for the whole lesson, I noticed that Ned and MJ were giving me the cold shoulder and I wanted to ask them where Peter was but I stopped myself. Peter didn't care when I broke up with him so why should I care about him? Flash was right, I do deserve someone better. I should've known that dating Peter Parker would be hard, especially when he was the young superhero that saved people every night. 

Peter didn't appear for the rest of the day and on the bus back to my apartment I asked Cindy about it.

"Apparently Peter ran out of school, he seemed panicked about something, I dunno what it was about though," she shrugged.

I nodded, pretending not to care but on the inside, I wanted to find out why he ran out of school but I pushed the thought out of my head. He probably had some Spider-Man business to attend to like always and ditched school.

"Why do you care? You dumped him anyway," said Cindy.

"News travels fast around this school doesn't it," I sighed.

"Well, Flash was asking everyone at the cafeteria where Peter was and told everyone that you dumped him because he was a jerk to you," 

"What! Ugh, I seriously hate Flash sometimes!" I complained.

"Doesn't everyone?" she added.

Back at home I curled up on the couch and I told my mum what happened, we watched movies while eating ice cream and it reminded me when my mum and my dad divorced. I spent time on the couch with my mum and we just ate ice cream and watched movies. 

That night I spent ages with my window open looking out at the busy city of New York, cars, buses, people and trains went by and even some planes flew past up in the sky. But Spider-Man was nowhere among them.

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