Chapter ~ 38

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(This chapter has mentions of suicidal thoughts, so trigger warning)

Peter's POV

I wanted to punch anything but I couldn't because it would definitely break. I sat on my bed and looked out the window at the night sky, I changed into a hoodie and black sweatpants and threw my clothes onto my messy bed, the clothes hit my bedside table making everything fall onto the carpet. I sighed and picked everything back up and placing it on the table but I froze when I picked up the family photo of my parents and Aunt and Uncle. I sat back down on my bed staring at the photo, I took it out of the frame and placed it in my pocket as I opened the window. The gym was directly underneath my room and it stuck out a bit further than my room which meant that there was a wide ledge outside my window, I jumped climbed out of my window and onto the ledge. I sat down with my legs dangling over the edge and I pulled the photo out again and stared at everyone's face. They all looked so happy and so careless, did they know that their son would be left all alone at 15 with an adoptive family that he probably just ruined? Did they know that he would turn out to be a famous superhero that saved multiple lives every night even though he couldn't save his Uncle?

I sighed and tried to forget about it and I looked out at the long driveway of the Avengers Base.

"Tony says that dinner is ready," announced FRIDAY from my room.

"Tell him I'm not hungry," I called back.

"Yes, Peter,"

 I was left in silence again tears fell from my eyes. I wanted to see my family again so bad but I couldn't, well, I could if I really, really wanted to but I knew that I couldn't do that to Tony, Pepper, Morgan and Harley. 

After I spent ages crying I finally wiped away my tears and took a deep shaky breath to calm myself down.  I looked down at the massive drop and I moved closer towards the edge but I stopped myself. I knew that if I tried to fall to my death I couldn't, I knew I would regret it and I could stick to the wall to stop myself. 

I heard my bedroom door open from inside and I hoped that they wouldn't notice the open window. 

"Peter?" I heard someone call.

I heard their footsteps come closer to the window and I heard footsteps land on the concrete of the ledge.

"What are you doing out here?" asked Tony as he sat down next to me.

"I just came out here to... think," I replied quietly.

Tony looked at my red eyes and softly sighed.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you earlier, I was just so scared and worried for you and I had no idea where you were and I was also worried about Harley and Morgan since they had to come home by themselves," he apologised.

"You shouldn't be sorry, I was a massive jerk to you earlier and I should've just come straight home," I replied.

"Where did you really go after detention?" he asked softly.

I handed him the photo and he looked down at it.

"It's May's death anniversary," 

Tony stayed silent and I looked down over the edge again and then back up.

"I really wish I could see them, but no matter how much I want to see them, I can't bring myself to jump," 

Tony put an arm around my shoulders and gripped my arm tightly to make sure I didn't jump. 

"Don't worry, I could never jump, I could never leave you guys behind," I reassured him.

"I know how you feel kid, my father didn't really care about me that much so I basically grew up without a father and I know how much you need a fathers reassurance and guidance, I'm going to try and support you, Harley and Morgan as best as I can to prove to my father that I'm not like him," said Tony.

I nodded and Tony stood up, I followed him and he paused when he realised that he couldn't reach my bedroom window.

"Do you want me to give you a boost?" I asked.

"What? I squash you," he said.

"I have super strength remember?"

He froze and then chuckled, I locked my hands together and he put one foot on my hands and grabbed onto the window ledge. I raised my hands up higher and Tony climbed into my window.

 "How are you going to get up here genius?" he asked.

I used my spider-sense to stick my fingers and feet to the wall and I climbed up the wall and jumped into the room and Tony rolled his eyes.

"You can stay home from school tomorrow, only if you write to the principle and tell him about Flash bullying you," he said.

"Wha- how did you know about that?" I asked.


I made a mental note to kill Harley when I got the chance but I sighed and agreed to write an email to the principal explaining everything. He left my room and I wrote the email to the principle and sent it, I knew that Flash was going to hate me even more but I could just report him again.

Hey Guys!

Sorry for the short chapter but I felt like the last chapter was quite long so I made this one a bit shorter. Remember, if you want a shoutout make sure to vote for all the chapters so far and I'll shout you out in the next chapter!

Thanks <3

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