Chapter ~ 16

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Peter's POV


It's been a few weeks since Tony left and I felt relieved, I didn't have to worry about him constantly watching me and harassing me about everything. Flash was still being violent towards me since he found out a while ago that I was dating Hallie and he didn't approve. 

I was looking at the clock on the wall impatiently tapping my foot as I waited for the bell to ring. Ned was half asleep as the teacher droned on and on about the work we needed to do over the Winter Break. 

Finally, the shrill bell rang out and personally, I always thought the bell was too loud but I had enhanced hearing so I couldn't complain. I grabbed my bag shoving all my papers and books into my bag and I was the first one out the door. Ned and Hallie knew I always liked to get out of school quickly so I could go out and be Spider-Man so they understood why I never really said goodbye to them when school finished. 

I jumped over the high fence and ran out of the school and down the street to my favourite alleyway. I pulled off my clothes revealing my suit underneath, I shoved my clothes in my bag and after swinging all the way home and checking on Aunt May to make sure she was okay. I started patrolling, it was kind of quiet around here, I stopped a few muggings and robberies but that was it really. I sighed and sat on the edge of a building with my legs dangling over the side, my stomach growled but I ignored it. We literally had no money since I had used it for Aunt May's medicine and doctor appointments and I had paid the bills. I let myself fall off the building and I did a few flips before shooting out a web and swinging away, I practised flips in the air to pass time since there weren't that many crimes or anything but suddenly I saw a sleek black car pull up in front of an alleyway. I frowned, my Spider senses weren't going off so this person obviously wasn't a threat, but he seemed shady. I couldn't see his face but I watched as he looked left and right before walking quickly down the alleyway which I knew was a dead end. I followed him and landed lightly in the dark alleyway, I walked further down it straining my ears for any sound that I could grasp onto.

Suddenly, a hand went over my mouth and their other arm wrapped around my stomach and dragged me further down the alleyway. I struggled and tried to kick the person but they were really strong, I heard a door open and it was so dark that I couldn't see anything. 

Finally, I flipped the guy over my back and I noticed he had blue LED lights on his clothes, I couldn't see what he was wearing though but it didn't look normal. I backed away from the person trying to make out any tables or anything in the dark.

"Ow, that actually hurt you know," complained the person.

His voice was kind of deep and I could tell it was a male, my Spider-sense was drumming at the back of my head and I crashed into a table and almost lost my footing.

The guy stood up and his helmet was like a cloudy fishbowl and he wore gold armour with the blue LED lights in stripes along it.

I made a dash for the door but suddenly a green shield appeared in front of the door and when I ran into it I was sent flying across the room. I shook my head and ignored the throbbing pain at the back of my head as I stood up again.

"What was that?" I asked.

"Sorry, but I have orders not to let you leave and to bring you in," he replied.

"Who gave you those orders?" I demanded.

"I did," said another voice that sounded vaguely familiar.

"I'll explain everything once we get downstairs, follow me," he said.

The man with the blue LED lights in his suit followed after the guy and I followed him since I couldn't see anything else. 

"Watch your step," said someone.

I heard the sound of running water and from the glow of the guy's suit, I could see that we were in the sewer. Surprisingly it didn't stink like I thought it would, mould grew on the walls and in between the old bricks and the passageways on either side of the sewer water were slippery with water and mould.

The guy in the front open a door and went inside, I could see that a light was on inside the room and when I walked in heat enveloped me and I relaxed a little. I shut the door behind me and the sound of the rushing water disappeared completely, I looked around and we were in a lab space, there were four benches spaced out around the large room with a large circular table that was projecting something up. At the far end of the room, there was a large desk with multiple computers and other tech stuff. 

"Your a hard person to track down Spider-Man," said someone. 

I spun around and I was almost relieved to see that Nick Fury was there in a black suit with the eye patch that he always wore and the dull thudding at the back of my head stopped since Nick Fury wasn't a threat to me. 

"You were trying to track me?" I asked surprised, "I saw you walking into an alleyway looking really sketchy,"

"I did that on purpose, I wanted you to follow me and I knew that you were near my area so I pretended to act really sketchy," he explained.


He nodded and I pulled off my mask and threw it onto a nearby bench.

"Why have you been trying to track me then?" I asked finally.

"Well, we've heard that Spider-Man has left the Avengers and I need a new team," he replied.

"Who do you mean by we?" 

"This is Quentin Beck," he introduced.

The guy didn't have his fishbowl helmet thing around his head anymore so I could see his face, he kind of had a beard and quite big dark blue eyes. His hair was a bit long but it was brushed back neatly, he looked to be in his late twenties and he held out a hand for me to shake. I shook it and he smiled at me.

"You're Mysterio," I breathed.

"You know your stuff Peter," he said smiling.

I gave him a quick smile and turned back to Nick Fury who was watching us.

"You two would make a great team, so how about it? I need a new team and you two would certainly be good at it," said Nick.

"I'm just a friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man, I've never really done anything crazy," I replied nervously.

"Please, you fought Captain America and your what, 14?" 

"15," I muttered.

"And Stark told me that you wanted nothing to do with the Avengers or him anymore so what's stopping you?" he pressed.

"Well, he is still in school," said Beck coming to my rescue, "We should give him a few weeks, he can work with us then decide if he wants to join or not,"

I gave him a grateful look and he winked, somehow I only just met this guy and he already understood me.

Shoutouts! If you want to be shouted out in a couple of chapters later make sure to vote for every chapter and leave a comment on any chapter!




Go check out their works since it's all amazing and thank you guys for voting and leaving nice comments and I hope you're enjoying the story!

(BTW Far from home trailer spoilers, Mysterio is going to be in the rest of this book so ya)

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