Chapter 60

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Peter's POV

5 weeks later

I've been out on a few patrols in the past week and but I'm only allowed out for an hour since Tony is a complete overprotective freak. I was in Tony's lab working on something random because I was bored and Ned was on the other end of my phone.

"Did you say that your webs could catch you even if you were falling really fast?" Ned asked.

"It depends how fast if I fell from above the empire state building then my webs might snap, why?" I asked.

"Wait, that means you could successfully do a flip off the Empire State Building," Ned said.

It took me a few seconds to register what he was suggesting and I jumped up.

"I'm heading there now!" I shouted.

"No, Peter!" Tony shouted.

I groaned and turned to face Tony.

"Why not? I've done a flip OVER a helicopter at the Washington monument, this isn't dangerous at all!" I complained.

"You are not doing it as long as I'm alive, I don't feel like explaining to the media why Spider-Man is a blue and red mess on the concrete," he said.

"My suits actually black and white," I muttered.

"I don't care, you are not jumping off the Empire State Building," 

I sighed and sat back down, after a few more minutes Ned had to go so I continued to work on my random thing when Shuri called me. 

"You need to come back to Wakanda!" Shuri said.

"I know, I would but SOMEONE won't let me do anything," I said looking at Tony.

"I'm letting you go out on patrol," he stated.

"For an hour,"

"That's generous from someone like me,"

I rolled my eyes and Shuri and I talked about hypothetical theories for a bit but we were getting caught up in an idea that you could make a chemical that could burn through vibranium. Shuri was saying that no such thing was possible but I thought it was possible and kept suggesting chemicals to mix together that would make it happen but Shuri kept turning them down. After I suggested one Shuri paused and frowned but said it wouldn't work, I left the lab before Tony could say anything and went into the chemistry lab. I found the chemicals I needed and Shuri was telling me it wouldn't work, I mixed all the chemicals together and held a scrap piece of vibranium over the sink. I was on facetime and I put a few drops onto the vibranium, it turned into dust in a matter of seconds and Shuri was stunned.

"You can't tell anyone about that, otherwise they might use that to destroy Wakanda or something," Shuri said, "But that is wicked cool!"

"I know!" I replied.

I mixed in another chemical to counter the reaction and poured it down the sink.

"FRIDAY, can you delete all the footage of me face timing Shuri?" I asked.

"Done," came the AI's voice.

"I'll delete the history of the call later," I told Shuri.

Shuri and I talked for a bit longer until I heard a knock at the door, it was just Tony, I turned back to my phone which was propped up against the bench. Tony placed a hand on my shoulder and his face appeared on the screen.

"Peter has to go to bed now otherwise he's going to be up all night," he said.

I rolled my eyes and Shuri laughed, I picked up my phone and sighed.

"Bye Shuri, I'll talk to you some other day," I said.

"Yep, bye!"

I hung up and sighed.

"It's not even that late!" I protested.

"It's 2:00 am, Pepper would kill me if she found out that I let you stay up this late," Tony replied, "Plus, you're going back to college tomorrow so you need to be fully rested," 

I went into my room and said goodnight to Tony before snuggling down into the covers and drifted off to sleep.

The next morning after breakfast I said goodbye to Pepper, Olivia, Morgan and Harley and got into a car with Tony and we started the long drive to California.

As we came closer to my college Tony started to go over the rules I had to 'follow'.

"You need to get at least 8 hours of sleep and eat all your meals, patrolling only for 2 hours and study hard for your tests, if you and MJ get serious then make sure to use protection," he said.

"Tony!" I shouted.

"I'm just saying, and don't study too hard and don't do any crazy stunts, I'll be calling you every day so don't send me to voicemail," he continued.

"Dad, relax I'm going to be fine, I'm not answering your calls every day, I'll do it on the weekends but if it's absolutely urgent then you can call me on weekdays," I replied.

We pulled up to my college and I got out, I didn't have any bags because my stuff was already here, Tony got out and pulled me into a hug.

"Stay safe okay?" 

"Yep, you too," I replied.

We pulled apart and I saw his eyes filling with tears, I couldn't believe how far we've come. Tony didn't like getting close the anyone when I first met him but now he had two biological daughters, a wife and two adoptive kids and he teared up when watching his son leaving for college again.

"I'll be fine just relax, I've nearly graduated so next year I'll be around full time to annoy everyone," I said.

He chuckled and took his hand off my shoulder, I heard someone call out my name and MJ was running towards me. I ran towards her and hugged her, we walked towards the building and as I entered I waved at Tony again before he drove away...

Holy crap guys, we're almost at the end of this book! There's only going to be one or two chapters left and I'm sad but excited about it if you like my writing then make sure to follow me and I might make a short sequel but I'm not sure yet. Anyway, the next chapter should be up sometime this week. Thanks.


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