Chapter ~ 39

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Peter's POV

It was finally winter break and I was patrolling almost for the whole day, unfortunately, Tony said I had to come back before dinner and spend time with the family. It was nice hanging out with Tony, Pepper, Harley and Morgan, sometimes I called Tony, dad, but I still used his first name. 

I was sleeping until my door opened and someone started shaking me.

"Peter! Peter! C 'mon get up," Morgan whispered.

 I opened my eyes and looked up at Morgan to make sure she was okay, Harley was also in my room and I frowned.

"Whatsit? Are you guys okay?" I slurred in my tired state.

"It's mum and dad's anniversary, we're making breakfast for them and we need your help," replied Morgan.

"I don't know how to cook, call Vision or something," I mumbled.

"We need you to go get Vision since we're not allowed in the Avengers part of the base, plus, we ALL need to do something nice for our parents," argued Harley.

I groaned and buried my head my pillow, suddenly I felt hands wrap around my stomach and lift me out of my bed. Harley held me in a fireman's carry and walked out into the living room and dumped me on the couch.

"Ugh, fine I'm going," I groaned sitting up.

I walked over to the shelves and broke the lock where my suit was. Tony locked it away at night so I wouldn't sneak out, the lock crumpled into pieces as I broke it with my super strength. I pulled open the drawer and pulled out my suit and web shooters, I went into the bathroom and changed into my suit and web shooters.

"It'll just be quicker if I swing over there," I explained to Harley.

I opened the living room door and when I looked out the sun hadn't even risen. I swung through the massive Avengers Base to the other side until I reached Vision's door, I knocked lightly and after a few seconds, it opened.

"Hey Vision, it's Tony and Pepper's anniversary today and Harley and Morgan need help making breakfast for them," I explained.

"Of course I'll help," he replied.

He flew beside me as I swung through the building, I knew if Tony saw me swinging inside he'd probably kill me since he told me I wasn't allowed to swing around inside unless it was an emergency.

When I came back in Harley and Morgan had all the ingredients out on the counter. There was tomatoes, bacon, bread, eggs, sausages and mushrooms. Vision started to help them and when I looked at the clock it was 5:00 am and Pepper usually woke up around 6:30 am.

"Why are we celebrating their anniversary?" I asked.

"Because if they weren't together we would have been adopted and Morgan wouldn't have been born," replied Harley, "Shit, we need a gift for them,"

"I can go get one," I offered, "What do I get?"

"I don't know I've never done this before," said Harley.

"Well neither have I!"

We looked to Morgan and she shrugged.

"On the list of the best anniversary presents jewellery is number one," announced Vision.

"Okay I can do that," I said.

I grabbed the credit card that Tony gave me and pulled my mask on. I opened the window and groaned as I saw the falling snow.

"If I die, it's your fault," I told Harley and he replied by sticking his middle finger up at me.

I climbed out of the window and stuck to the edge of the window sill. I took a deep breath and fell down, the cold air whipped past me and I shivered as I shot a web onto a light post and swung towards the city. I landed in an alleyway by the mall that was always open, I changed into normal clothes and stuffed my suit into my bag. I ran through the mall until I reached the jewellery store, it took ages for me to pick out things for Tony and Pepper but I found a nice watch for Tony and a necklace for Pepper. I paid for it and the person there gave me a weird look when I paid for the things since it was really expensive, she wrapped it up in fancy wrapping paper and placed the two boxes in a gift bag for me. I thanked her and placed the bag in my bag, I ran into another store and grabbed flowers, chocolates and a photo frame mural that Morgan told me to get. 

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